He comes to your rescue pt.2 ( you rescue him)

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I kissed sweet pea on the lips and led him into my house, my mom was gone at work. Its been 4 months since sweet pea had threatened my step father to never come back to Riverdale or he'd make sure he'll never take another breath.

"Thanks for spending the night with me, I hate being in this big house all by myself at night." I smiled as we walked up to my room.

" Don't thank me babe, I'm happy to be here with you." He said wrapping his arms around me and kissing my neck.

" That's enough lover boy, I'm going to get in the shower make yourself at home." I smirked stepping out of his grasp and walking over to my draw to get some pajamas.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes and jumped onto my bed. I shook my head walking down the hall to the bathroom, turning the shower on its hottest setting and closing the door behind me starting to get undressed.

I set my phone on the counter and started to play my favorite playlist at the highest volume and stepping into the steaming shower.

I wasn't in there too long before I heard the door creek open, what the hell I didn't invite sweet pea to take a shower with me this time.

" Sweet Pea you're so rude, if you wanted to take a shower with me you could of asked. I'm almost done so just go back to my room!" I yelled then listened to foot steps leave and close the bathroom door back.

What the heck, he didn't say anything is he mad at me now or something? I wondered as I turned off the water and pulled back the shower curtain stepping out and grabbing my towels wrapping one around my hair and the other on my body.

I dried off and changed into an over sized T-shirt and some boy shorts from Victoria's secret, then walked out into the dark hallway. When I got up to my door and gasped in confusion, there was a chair leaned up against it. There was no way sweet Pea could put it there or he'd be trapped unless it was a prank.

" Okay Sweets your little joke isn't funny anymore, you almost scared me half to death you jerk." I said annoyed looking around the dark hallway.

My door handle jiggled, " y/n what are you talking about ? Your the one who has been stomping through the halls and locking me in here. " I froze then ran up to the door about to move the chair.

" Ah fuck" I screamed as I felt someone grab my hair and throw me down on the floor. I look up and it felt as if my heart stopped.

" Miss me princess ?" My step father smiled down at me. For a second I thought I could hear my heart beating but it was sweet pea ramming himself against the door.

I kicked my step father in the knee and ran down the stair even though I wanted to free SP there was no way I could. The whole house was dark, I grabbed a knife and opened the front door but I didn't run out instead i hid behind the couch that was against the wall.

I heard him get up and run downstairs, his foots steps getting quiet as he walked over to the door. I couldn't stop shaking as I clutched the knife tightly, I let out a sigh when I heard the front door close. Moments later he the couch that was blocking me was thrown across the room.

" Got you sweetheart, are you going to play nice now or do we have to do it the hard way." He chuckled.

I held the knife ready to attack if I needed to, " what the fuck could you possibly want from me!"

" I'm going to kill you of course, then show your little boyfriend your lifeless body then kill him. Come on I thought you were smarter than this y/n." he stepped closer causing me to stand up.

" I'll fucking stab you if you come any closer!" I gulped causing him to laugh, he kicked me in the stomach and smacked the knife out of my hands.

" I won't be needing that." He said putting one of his hands around my throat while reaching into his pocket pulling out a pistol, pointing it against my temple.

" Anything else to say princess ?" He smiled kissing my forehead. Sweet pea tackled him to the ground causing the gun to go off up into the ceiling.

Sweet pea was on top of my step father punching him, my step father rolling them around. They were both beating the shit out of each other,I noticed the gun at the other side of the room so I ran to it.

I turned around to see the knife I had earlier in my step fathers hand, he brought it down stabbing sweet pea deep in the shoulder. Sweet pea let out a yell and it broke my heart, I pulled the trigger and the bullet hit my step father in the back of his head. His body went limp on top of Sp.

I ran over there pushing his body off, I put sweet Peas head on my lap as I held his shoulder and cried. Sweet pea opened his eyes.

" why are you crying everything is going to be okay y/n I'm right here." He clutched my free hand.

"I-i killed him and I almost let you die." I looked over at the dead body leaking with blood, his eyes still open and staring.

Sirens could be heard from down the street getting closer. " No he did this to himself, you were only defending us, I'll be okay I just need to rest." Sweet pea whispered, I look around us he was still loosing a lot of blood.

" Hey don't leave just hang on a bit longer." I was sobbing now.

The door bust open, Kevin's dad stopped shocked at the scene before him.

" please help..." I struggled to say.

Him and the other officers moved aside as the ambulance workers came in with a gurney, caring sweet pea away.

My once white shirt was covered in blood, one of the officers handing me a cover and led me outside to ask me questions.

Do you guys want a part 3?

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