The mar- just read >:3

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(Let's see if you can finish the title :3)

Grillby had been extremely passionate the last few months and you didnt know why, also Sans had backed off from you. Always having a look of defeat on his face when seeing you.

You were also surprised as Grillby was leading you into waterfall

He had put his hands over your eyes but you could hear the waterfalls, kinda strange he brought you to WATERfall...

After some walking and ignored questions of 'where are we going?' And 'please let me see...' You had stopped walking and you saw a romantic picnic set up with a beautiful view of waterfall

' You had stopped walking and you saw a romantic picnic set up with a beautiful view of waterfall

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"Wow... Grillby, this is amazing..." Grillby smiled warmly

"though the most beautiful thing is you..." You blushed slightly and you had your picnic

~After A Romantic Picnic~

"That was amazing, thank you, Grillby" he kissed you gently "anything for you, Y/n"

"Though, I can't help wondering, what was all this for?" Grillby blushed slightly, kneeling towards you

"We've been together for a really long time and... Well... I love you, y/n... More then I've ever loved anyone... And I just wanted to ask you..." He pulled out a small box from his pocket

"W-Will you marry me?"

Author~Chan's POV

Although you didnt hesitate answering let's just run through the pros and cons first


Your married to the love of your life 😍
You'll be forever happy 😊


*looks through dictionary* I'm sorry, but, according to  my dictionary that word can't be used in this situation...

Y/n's POV

"Yes! Of course," You answered quickly and happily

He put the ring on your finger and kissed you deeply and passionately, obviously very happy

After a few minutes he pulled back for breath "I love you, Y/n..."

"I love you too, Grillby..." And he went back into the kiss

~After Your Heated Make out Session~

You had gone back to the strip club, Frisk was freeing the monsters and Sans was making sure they don't get fucked. Literally.

(Should the wedding be on the surface? :3)

~Few hours later~

Mettaton had come in, ignoring everything and running straight to you

"Is it true???" He looked at your hand, gasping at the ring "It is!"

"Hold on, HOW do you know?" "Alphys has cameras all over the underground,"

Ok, is this america or the underground???

"What???" "Its nothing to be worried about, you two are so CUTE I was wondering when he'd ask you"

Grillby was chuckling in the background and backhugged you

"Yes, I have wanted to for a while, as well~" you blushed and turned your head to kiss him.

"See?! You two are so cute! I can expect Sans isn't happy, though" you seemed to be attracting alot of attention and a lot of snickers (not the chocolate)

"You guys are the cutest couple in the underground!" "Wait, exactly how many people know he proposed?" "Everyone, the undergrounds a small place and this is the juiciest gossip we've had since you two got together!"

You rolled your eyes playfully

"Well, I guess there's no reason for it to be kept a secret, anyway"

Burning Desire~ (Underlust grillby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now