Chapter 1: The Ball

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Far, Far Away from land, deep underneath the sea, an underwater Kingdom is located. This kingdom is called Adlantica. In this kingdom there lived the Styles which consisted of the king, the queen and their son, Prince Harry and daughter, Princess Gemma.

Harry was not happy with being a Merman, he hated swimming around everywhere to get from place to place. He also hated the fact that everyone was practically half naked because they were merman and mermaids.

Harry's best friend was called Liam and he was also a merman, he was more of a logical thinker than Harry was. His fathers adviser also kept an eye on harry to make sure he didnt get into trouble as Harry was always gettìng in trouble. This advisor was called Zayn.

Harrys POV

"Maybe I could go out before the ball, that way father won't get mad at me, well he might.... what do think Liam? should we go?" Harry asked unsure.

He glanced at Liam when a sigh left the boys lips.

"I dunno Haz, I mean if we got back in time you would have to rush to get ready and prepare your song for your father, it would be very tight..." Liam trailed off biting his lip as he thought the timing over. Liam was always worried about everything that had to do with Harry and the kingdom itself, you could say that Liam was very protective over Harry. Harry didn't mind though, maybe that's why they're such great friends.

Harry thought for a while about what Liam said. Would he be back in time to perform the song without his father knowing? it was a risk but Harry was known for taking risks when they came up. With a smirk he looked at Liam and finally decided that yes, they were going to go.

"C'mon Liam, it's a risk im willing to take." Harry insisted, showing off his dimples. He swam over to Liam who was outside his bedroom window with his elbows propped up on the small ledge as he looked in at Prince Harry.

Liam frowned at this. Knowing that Harry would've wanted to go one way or another. He didn't want to agree to it but when he looked up at his friend who was giving him the puppy eyes he couldn't say no.

Liam sighed but couldn't help the smile as he warned. "Your going to be in alot of trouble when we get back styles! Remember that." Liam said smirking.

Harry chuckled as he swam out his bedroom window before falling in swim beside Liam.

"I'll let furture Harry worry about that one" Harry winked at Liam and swim faster laughing. Getting further away from his friend only to have him protest.

"HARRY!!" Liam shouted after him while he tried to catch up with harry but failing.

Harry laughed whole heartedly as he glanced back at his friend who was a good distance behind him.

Of course being the kings son came with it's perks. Harry was a very good swimmer. The second fastest in Atlantica. He inherited this characteristic however from his father who was once a champion at swimming before retiring.

"HAHA YOU CANT CATCH ME!" Harry shouted back with a smile.

Just as he was turning back forward however he bumped into something hard making Harry fall backwards onto the sand with an 'oof'.

Harry gasped. Winded, he could hear Liam's worried yells from behind him and the sound of him swimming closer to him.

Liam helped him to his feet, asking if he was alright before trying to dust off the boy, trying to remove some of the sand on the back of his tail. Harry swatted his hands away.

Harry looked in front of him to observe what it was he had crashed into and his eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets at what he saw. Liam too looked in front and nearly fainted at what he saw. It was definitely something he never saw before.

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