Chapter 1-New City_New Life

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It isn't easy to leave my home country Chicago, especially that it was the place where I've born, lived, and had friends. For a reason, my mom couldn't tell me why we're leaving to Manhattan. I'm not sure that's because I'm going to college, but I think this is related to the disappearance of my father. When I was 10 years old, my dad said that he has to travel to Paris to make a certain job, and he didn't return since then.

Sorry, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Theodore Moon (Theo for short) and my story started up by me moving to live in Manhattan. I'm not sure why, but whatever the answer is, I have a feeling that alt of changes will happen, especially in me.

As soon as we reached, my mom was organizing the things into our new home. As I was helping her, I dropped a box accidentally. Then a small silver necklace fell from the box. I felt a little headache as soon as I looked at it, as if it looked familiar and I was trying to remember. Then, I realized mom taking the box and necklace from me, and she told me not to touch that. I was really surprised, because mom wasn't terrified like this except if she's hiding something.

As mom was taking me to college, I was thinking of that symbol that was in the necklace, and I am sure that I've saw it before. Anyway, as we've reached, my mom wished me good luck and then she left. In the college, the only thing that got my attention was a tall guy taking one of the students homework and throwing it to his 3 other guys, and poorly the student is trying retrieve it back. I was thinking of going to stop this mess, but one of the girls tried to stop me and told me that if I messes with him, he crushes him.

To tell you the truth that could stop me, so I took the homework from that big guy and returned it back to the boy there. Thank god that before we start a fight, the bell rang, but the guy told me that I'll meet him after school in the playground. Of course, that didn't terrify me, until we meet and everyone was watching from far distance. I saw suddenly that guy and his group, and he told me that his name was flash and that he'll break my neck. Then suddenly, before few seconds from the big hit from flash, I start to see weird visions about the way he will hit, as well as the direction and the way to defend. After that I found myself defending his attach by one hand and gave a hard punch on his face. Of course, the other guys interfered to attack me, but I found myself defending myself and hitting as if I've been fighting to survive. Then, when I realized how I caused them pain and everyone of my classmate surprised, I could handle what I've done, so I ran away. What a coward act!

I ran away from school and strong visions in my mind, as if I was retrieving memories not belonging to me, and that gave me a great headache. Then suddenly, a weird guy wearing a coat appeared from the shadows. He didn't seem in the eighties, but he had a funny mood, and my eyes caught the mark in this coat, which was same as the necklace I found. I kept silent, so he started to talk. He said he just saw me fighting, and he want to see if I'm the ONE he's looking for. He tried to come closer, but I went back and told him to stay away, and when I was in the middle of the street, he stopped. Then, I realized why he stopped. I large truck was coming toward me, but suddenly found myself jumping highly, running at the top of the truck, and returning back to ground. The guy was amazed, especially me. He told me that I was amazing, but then I asked what was going on. He just said that he was an assassin, then he gave me a card and said this will give me the answers I'm looking for. The moment I looked at the card the guy have disappeared. "What a weird day in a new city" I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2018 ⏰

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