"Getting called a fag is 'not that serious' really Yoongi?" I asked perplexed at his constant nonchalant responses.

Well if you didn't tell everyone you were gay maybe you wouldn't have these problems!" he suddenly shouted, "Have you ever thought of that?"

I stared in astonishment as the words spilled from his mouth causing my ears to heat up from embarrassment and anger.

"Are you really saying it's my fault that I get picked on," I countered. "As if being confident enough in myself to want to share that information is a bad thing- "

"IT'S PROBLEMATIC TAEHYUNG!" he screamed causing a few glances from around the room to land on us. Noticing this, Yoongi lowered his voice down to an almost inaudible whisper. "Don't act like we live in a world where everything is excepted, cause we don't" he finished.

Then suddenly a switch went off in my head and suddenly I understood why Yoongi was feeling the way he did. Weirdly I felt complied to agree with his statements.

"Yoongi you're right it's my fault" I said letting out a deep sigh before continuing, "Every bad event in my life has only one person to blame.... myself"

After the catastrophe that happened in the lunch room the rest of my day was very dull and disheartening. The jolly skip that was in my step this morning had quickly decreased to a slow drag of my feet. Usually when I have mood swings they disperse within a couple of hours. Although to my disadvantage when I woke up the next morning the sinking feeling still remained buried in my body, latched onto my soul.

I decided to go to the library to study for my upcoming finals and get my mind focused on something else.

I walked through the sliding doors swinging my backpack over my shoulder before slamming it on a table triggering a wave of hushes to be sent my way. I politely bowed giving a quick apology before rummaging through the contents of my messy bag.

Once I found my book I sat down not bothering to turn on the lamp as the afternoon sun seeped through the window providing a sufficient amount of light. After what seemed like hours, but turned out to be twenty minutes, I decided I wouldn't be able to focus. I just couldn't shake the negative thoughts out of my head each time I tried to focus the same words kept replaying in my head like a cassette tape.

It's your fault.

It's your fault

It's all you FAUL-

"Excuse me?"

My thoughts were interrupted by a voice, I looked up to see a male with blonde hair towering over me. He gave me a big smile his eyes shrinking into small crescents as if they were smiling as well.

"Oh, hello s-sorry I didn't see you there" I stated stuttering a bit in the middle, feeling intimidated by the extremely handsome male. He simply waved his hand as if to dismiss my apology.

"No worries I just wanted to see if I could sit with you" he replied, "The library is getting a little full"

I gave him a weird look as there were only 5 people total in the facility and that was counting me and this mysterious man. Ultimately, I ended up letting him sit with me anyways since I thought the change of company might put me in a better mood.

Once he sat down he reached his hands across the table speaking as he did.

"Hi I'm Namjoon, Kim Namjoon"

I hesitantly reached my hand out and gave him a lazy shake only sparing a quick glance at him before taking my hand back.

"Hi I'm Taehyung..Kim Taehyung" I replied, "But you can call me Tae"

"Ok Tae" he replied sending me another big smile displaying his dimples.

"Well Tae I'm gonna be straight forward with you" he suddenly announced "I didn't come over here because there weren't any tables left.

As if that was a surprise I thought to myself.

"I came over because you looked to be very...detached?" he said.

I shot him a shocked look at the fact that I looked that depressed to have triggered a complete stranger to wanted to check on me.

"Was I that obvious" I replied giving an awkward chuckle as I ran my hand through my hair.

"Yea heh" he lightly chuckled, "Do you maybe wanna talk about it" he continued before quickly stopping after seeing my face which showed signs of uncertainty.

"Y-you don't have to if you don't want to I mean I'm a good listener..." he added in a panicky voice.

Considering everything else I've tried doing to get out of my slump hasn't worked I decided to just tell him. He seems genuinely nice and trustworthy and besides it might actually help.

So, I spent the next twenty minutes explaining what happened maybe letting a few tears trickle down my face in the process. I don't know what exactly happened in those twenty minutes that made my mood change, whether it being the comments Namjoon made between each sentence to show he was paying attention. (unlike Yoongi who just nodded without any knowledge of what was being told to him) Perhaps it was the time he set his palm atop of mine to soothe me after the first tear fell. Maybe it was just that gosh darn smile of his that I couldn't help returning every time he threw it my way.

Either way by the end of my rant I felt way more refreshed than I ever had. Namjoon's comments actually helped me realize that the real source of the problem wasn't me but the people that I surrounded myself with. From Jungkook's rude comments to the toxicity of Yoongi's personality.

"Here's how I see it" Namjoon started, "We live alone and we die alone"

I nodded my head slightly confused as to where this was going.

"But only through friendship and love can we fill a void in our hearts" he continued, "to give us a feeling that we aren't truly alone"

My mouth hung open in astonishment and I felt like crying for the fifth time today.

"Wow Namjoon..thank you" I began, "Thank you so much!"

I stood up from my chair walking around to his side of the table holding my arms out to engulf him in a hug. Since we had a pretty big height difference my face sunk into the warmth of his jacket which smelled of honey and cologne.

We spent the rest of our afternoon discussing our interests and I found out that we share a few interests such as our love for art and books. He also told me that he was actually bisexual and that his parents were homophobic so that's why he could understand what I was going through.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I saw it was a text from my mom asking why I wasn't home yet.

"Well sadly I have to go home but it was so nice to meet you Namjoon" I said packing up my book bag.

"It's fine I should probably get going to" he replied with a slight frown.

We exchanged numbers and walked to the exit hugging one last time before going our separate ways.

As I was about to get in my car I heard a shout from across the parking lot and I turned around to find the source.

"Taehyung-ah!" I saw Namjoon shout from the bus stop, "Same time next week?" he asked.

I gave him a big thumbs up while yelling back an excited yes. As I got in my car the feeling appeared in my stomach and head as it did every day. Although this time instead of being unbearably uncomfortable it actually felt..nice.  

taehyung, the empath || kth + njm oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now