2 The Spread

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As I sat down in my chair the images replayed over and over in my head, I was a little scared.

"Wanna come over here and sit with me Maggie?" Jake wondered as he watched the screen.


Jake was exactly 3 months older than me, he had dark brown hair with bright blue eyes. He was always nice to me, and I would always let him have my crackers in lunch. When I was walking over to him, the teacher started to doze off.

"Are you okay? You seem a little off today."

"It's Friday and I just wanna go home."

"Nurse Kate has now been declared dead, and Mason is still on the loose. Stay indoors." The speakers wailed.

"Is Kate the women he attacked?" I wondered

"Yeah, before you got here Mr. Smith came in and told us that he is loose in the streets. We aren't sure how many people he got outside."

People die everyday and we are immune to it. He was focused on the screen so I decided to draw my favorite place in my notebook, my mothers garden. Before I knew it the bell rang and I went to science, they were showing the same news channel.

"Mason and his victims have now been declared zombies, please stay inside until the issue has been taken care of."

All of the class started freaking out, one girl started crying. The teacher started to try and calm every one down.

"Other victims have been found in New York City, Seattle, Houston, and Georgia. It won't take long for it to spread, so please stay away from people that are infected."

The teacher turned the news off to help them calm down.

The PA came on "We are going to lockdown the school, everybody lock there doors."

I panicked and ran to the teacher for assurance. " can I call my mom, I'm worried about her."

" No, everyone get in the corner of the classroom."

My mind began to race, I sprinted to the corner and hunkered down with everyone. This is the closest I have been to my classmates. We sat there for two hours, we could only hear the police sirens whizzing by and the people screeching as they run down the hallways. A girl pounded on the door begging to come in.

" Can we please let her in Sir, she needs help." a little boy cried.

"We have to stay away from the infected, we could get it too." the teacher chanted.

I looked out the window and saw Beth hiding under a bench outside. I have to help her, she would do the same for me. I quickly ran over to the emergency evacuation window and crawled out. I could hear the teacher screaming in the backround, but I was focused on Beth. Once I reached her I pulled her out from under the old wooden bench.

"I'm so happy to see you, we need to hide.". Beth was squeezing me. I could see people running towards us out of the corner of my eye.

"Come on let's go to the top of the bleachers and we can scout."

We started for the bleachers and I could feel her trembling as I held her hand. I climbed to the top and looked around. Half of the school was burning, people were running everywhere like they were chickens with there heads cut off. My mind was empty and I had no idea what to do next.

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