"call me when you get done searching the shitty water!" she turned and walked towards the bathroom, and cass searched the halls for the boys. she spied richie almost immediately, getting held up against the lockers by henry.

she ran towards them and pulled henry off of him harshly, although she wasn't strong, it startled henry enough to make him let go.

   "fuck off, bowers!" she snarled, as richie bent down to pick up his glasses. patrick snickered and she shot him a harsh glare.

"you think I'm scared of you?" he laughed going towards richie again.

"you may not be scared of her but you're scared of me. get off the kid, asshole." a voice spoke and all of them turned their heads. danny stood there, a frown upon his face, yet he looked bored.

"this isn't over, fuckface!" henry snarled before walking away, sending danny a annoyed glare.

richie smiled at danny smugly, and spoke cockily, "i knew you liked me!" danny rolled his eyes and turned away.

"shut up, trashmouth!" but you could hear the smirk on his lips.

"THATS POIDON IVY, AND THATS poison ivy." stan said walking through the trail holding his arms away from the plants.

"not every plant is poison ivy, stan." cass sighed, pushing him slightly.

"wait, wheres poison ivy?" eddie asked and richie laughed.

   "right... there!" richie exclaimed, pushing eddie into a bush.

   "you little asshole!" the two begun fighting as richie pulled eddie out of the bush, giggling.

   "you okay, bill?" cass asked. the boy had been silent throughout this whole thing.

   "i'm o-okay. i-i just wuh-want to find g-georgie." cass nodded and pressed a small kiss to bills cheek as they reached the entrance to the sewer. the group fell silent, and eddie took a puff of his inhaler.

   "this is actually disgusting." cass spoke finally. stan nodded, and stood back. eddie let out a shaky breath and richie patted his back.

   "c'mon eds! its not that bad!" richie called, walking straight  into the water, bill and cass followed shortly after, and eddie dry heaved.

"theres definitely poison ivy!" eddie squealed, scratching his arms.

"there is no poison ivy!" richie exclaimed.

"well i'm starting to feel itchy and-" eddie started, but richie cut him off.

"do you use the same bathroom as your mother?"

"sometimes, yeah."

"then you probably have crabs." cassandra stifled a giggle at that.

"that is so not funny." eddie answered, rolling his eyes. cassandra and richie broke into laughter, and stan pushed down a grin. once they stopped laughing, richie turned to eddie and stan who were still standing in the entrance while bill searched around with his flashlight.

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