chapter fourteen.

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june 16, 1989. wednesday.

   "I'VE BEEN WANTING YOU TO DO that for such a long time." bev whispered. the bag that held the box of tampons had been dropped to the floor, and was now resting near their feet. cass looked down as she felt her foot hit it and giggled.

   "you should probably..." she spoke, motioning towards it. bev blushed bright red and nodded, bending over and grabbing the box. "and by the way, bev, i've been wanting to do that for forever." bev smiled brightly before walking upstairs and into the bathroom.

   cass walked into the kitchen and began to pour two glasses of lemonade when the phone began to ring, making her jump. she reached over to it and picked it up. 

   "frayser residence, cass speaking." cass smiled at her own formalness, as a man she had only spoken to once before spoke up.

"this is al marsh. is beverly at your house?" she felt anger boil inside her at the man, but she quickly pushed it down. she contemplated whether or not she would lie to him, but quickly decided against it.

"yes, sir she is."

"well please tell her to come home. she has some, chores, to do." he lingered on the word chores for a moment and cass hid her disgust.
"okay i'll tell her mr marsh."

"thank you, goodbye." with that her hung up the phone and cass sighed. she walked up the stairs and knocker on the bathroom door.

"hey bev?"

"yeah, cass?"

"your dad called, he said he wants you home." cassandra heard bev suck in a breath, but she quickly answered.

"o-okay. i'm almost done." cass nodded, even though bev couldn't see her. she walked back down the stairs, and bev followed a couple minutes after.

   "i guess i'll see you later." bev spoke, and cass nodded, before walking up to bev and pressing a kiss to her lips. it only lasted a few seconds, but both girls felt the shock of electricity run through their veins.

   "see ya later, carrots." cass smiled slightly, and bev walked out the front door. cass watched until beverly disappeared down the street, smiling softly to herself the entire time.


cassandra should have been asleep, but she wasn't. she swung her feet over the side of her bed and walked towards her closet, grabbing a sweatshirt snd pulling it on over her shirt.

she walked down the stairs slowly, trying not to make a sound. she slipped on her shoes and opened the front door, before closing it softly and running down her porch steps. she grabbed her bike and swung her leg over the side, before riding to the place she had been going to since she found it.

the field.

   something had made her feel safe there, like she could be at peace.

   but tonight, that was going to change.
   when she arrived she threw her bike by the side of the woods, not caring about hiding it at this hour. she walked down the trail slowly, careful to not trip and fall. when she finally arrived she went to the the edge of the cliff and sat down, overlooking the water down below. she closed her eyes and breathed in the fresh, warm summer air.

   then, a sound made her blood run cold.

   "ohh cassie," a voice called. a voice that was all too familiar. "cassie what are you doing out so late? you won't get to sleep on time, then you'll be tired and unhappy. when you're unhappy, no one likes you."

   'it can't be her. shes in california, in jail!' cass thought, slowly standing up. she turned around, and almost twenty feet away stood her mother.

   "its okay sweetie, i'm gonna take you home!" her voice slowly got slower, and it began to change into something far more sinister. "i'm gonna take you home, then we can float! we all float down here!"

   "no, no!" cass began to make her way towards the edge of the woods, ready to make a run for it. ready to run away from this thing pretending to be her mother. "this isn't real!"

   "but i was real enough for georgie." the figure began to morph, and it turned into a clown. goosebumps covered her body, and she closed her eyes.

"YOU'RE NOT REAL!" she screamed, eyes clenching so tightly she began to see colors. she opened them slowly, looking around. there was no clown, and no mother, but in their place was a single red balloon, slowly floating towards her.

   "what are you afraid of?" a voice whispered, then as the balloon was only a few inches away from her face, it popped, splattering blood all over her face. a scream left her lips, and she turned and ran, wiping the blood from her eyes and mouth as she made a run for it. as she ran away from the place that had once made her feel safe.

june 17, 1989. thursday.

   CASS WOKE UP WITH A START, breathing heavily through her mouth.

   "it was only a dream, you're okay." she whispered, slowly getting up, making her way towards the bathroom. she didn't expect anyone to be home, her aunt and uncle got off work at five, and danny was probably out with his friends at this time. she brushed her hair out of her face, and looked up into  the mirror. the sight made her heart pound. dried blood caked her face, and a shriek left her lips. she stripped out of her clothes and jumped into the shower. she turned the heat up all the way, and began scrubbing at her face. she scrubber until her skin felt raw, and no trace of blood showed on her fingers. she turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, wrapping herself up in a towel. she pulled a bathing suit on, then slipped a dress over it. the bathing suit was light pink, with black bottoms. her aunt had bought it for her back in may, when summer clothes were on sale.

she walked downstairs, trying to not
let thoughts of the night before slip into her head. she checked the time, and it read 11:47 am, and cass felt her eyes widen. she had to be at the quarry at twelve, and she had to pick up bev before then.

   SHE JUMPED OFF HER BIKE, letting it land in the grass. she ran up the metal stairs leading to her house, and knocked on the door frantically. bev opened it, a look of confusion on her face.

   "is it time to go?" the redhead asked, and cass noticed something different.
   "oh my god did you cut your hair?"

   bev blushed and brought a hand up to  her newly cut hair, smiling softly. "yeah, yeah i did."

    "i love it, bev! you look gorgeous." bev blushed slightly, and cass smiled. "come on, we gotta go."

   cass climbed onto her bike, and like always, beverly climbed onto the pegs. they rode down the the quarry quickly, trying to not crash into anything given cassandra was a reckless driver. bev would occasionally yell something like 'slow down, speedy' or 'are you trying to fucking kill me' every couple seconds, causing cass to laugh and go faster. when they arrived, cass tucked her bike into the bushes, like always, and led beverly down to the cliff leading to the water. when the got close, they could hear the boys arguing about who was going first, and bev turned to cassandra and smirked.

   "we'll go!" bev called, stripping out of her dress. cass watched in amazement and bev noticed, blushing very hard. cass tore her eyes away and took her own dress off, before reaching out to grab bevs hand.

   they began running and bev called out "sissies!" before her and cass jumped off together, identical screams leaving their lips as they plummeted towards the water.


not edited, tell me if i made any mistakes or had some typos

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