What Happened Yesterday?

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AN- so now I'm gonna start going between Junior and Dave's POVs to make it a bit more personal.


Police sirens were blaring, someone was yelling, what's going on,  where am... what the fuck? I opened my eyes to see compete darkness except for a few streetlights. Then I realized I was slumped across the dashboard of my car. What time is it? Definitely past sunset. How did I fall asleep? I wasn't even that tired. I opened the door and was welcomed with a cold breeze from the passing cars. Then I remembered- Dave. "Fuck, why?", I mumbled to myself. Why do I always get myself into things like this? What would I say to him when he questions it? Maybe a proper sleep would help. But I was to worried to sleep. I needed to figure out what I'd do tomorrow. Once I got home, I took a quick shower and tried not to think about Dave for a couple minutes to calm myself down a bit. The other bedroom door was closed but it seemed like the guy was still gone. Okay, now it's time to brainstorm. I want to show up tomorrow. It'd be shitty not to. Chris and Gar are always at least an hour late, so if I come on time or a bit earlier even, that would leave enough time to talk with Dave. God, I hope he'll listen. I hope he won't blow me off. All I can do now is wait. 

My alarm woke me up at six. If I left in twenty minutes I could very reasonably be there at seven. I'm not the kind to be super picky about what I wear, but for some reason I felt today I needed to look good. For Dave. Fuck, what am I doing? Trying to look good for a guy? It wasn't very cold, at all, so I decided to wear a denim jacket (my own) without a shirt. Girls seemed to like that, maybe Dave would? Yeah, chicks like those ripped blue jeans, too. I realized the best thing is to not overthink it. Instead of preparing what to say, just say what I really felt. I tried to get my mind  off of Dave by listening to the radio on the drive there. Of course, Killing Is My Business came on. Fuck, the way he sings, the way he growls at the end, the way you can hear him rip through the lyrics with clenched teeth. This wasn't calming me down, this was getting me thinking things I shouldn't think of. I could see Dave's car as I pulled in. Well, here goes nothing. What's the worst that could happen? I pushed the door open and walked in. After standing in front of the door to the recording room for a couple minutes, I finally turned the knob. There sat Dave, wearing that damn jacket. His firey curls spilling over his shoulders as he scribbled something onto a piece of paper. God, I wanted to run my hands through his hair. Feel it brushing over my skin as he laid on top of me. I must've been very quiet through my fantasy because Dave hadn't looked up. As I stepped forward, though, his eyes shot up from his work. I was expecting him to glare at me with his angry snarl. But the eyes that met mine were the softest I'd seen them. That didn't last for long. He furrowed his brow and I could see him bite down, setting his jaw. "Hey, man." Well, so far, so good. "Hey." "So...what happened yesterday?" 


Today was fucked up- Junior acting strange, my nose nearly broken, and on top of that we barely made any headway in the studio. Maybe Junior is actually more help than I thought. Shit, I need a drink. Or two. Or twelve. I got home and cracked open a fresh bottle of Smirnoff. Kinda reminds me of when the Metallica dudes and I would get wasted every night. Good times, man. Or were they? I can have a good time without them, too. Fuck that. I will have a good time without them. Half an hour went by and I already downed almost half the bottle. I got up to get the remote for the TV and almost fell over. Damn, I should probably switch to beer now. It's time to figure out Junior. He's been acting funny the past couple of weeks, in fact. Getting all flustered and blushy. Probably some girl he's thinking about. But that doesn't explain the jacket bullshit. He was flustered and blushy there, too. I mean, he has a jacket of his own he can wear. How'd he get mine, anyway? And what was the whole hiding from me in the bathroom? My mind was spinning from all the booze at this point, and I had a hard time rationalizing all of this. Wait... he was always acting weird in front of me. And... oh shit! There's no fucking way. Is he into me? No, no, that can't be it. Junior's not fucking gay. This reminded me of that dream I had a few months ago. Junior and I somewhere in a room together. And before I knew it I was on top of him. I squirmed at the thought of it. Fuck, he could almost pass for a chick sometimes, with his hazel doe-eyes and pink lips. His nose was a little on the bigger side, but that could easily be forgotten if you focused on his hair. He had nice hair, not too curly, not too straight, but just wavy enough. What am I doing, comparing Junior to a girl? I had to hand to him that he'd certainly make a nice one. Everything that happened today really wore me out, big time. I could probably fall asleep right now. But Junior, that asshole was keeping me up. Needless to say, it was a long night. 

I woke up to the TV's morning broadcast on the couch with a pounding headache. You think I'd be used to it by now because it happens almost every day, but I'm still surprised each time it happens. 6:30. Just enough time to shower off and grab something to eat before heading off. I'll wear my jacket today, let's see how Junior likes that. The hangover subsided pretty quickly after a drink of water. A slice of pizza from two days ago and I was out the door. Man, I wonder if Junior will even show up. He's pretty easily embarrassed by things. Gotta remember not to blow up at him. If I I want an honest answer, I need to act accordingly. Just as I was pulling in, Killing Is  My Business came on the radio. As nice as it is to hear that we're getting airplay, it's always a bit awkward to listen to our songs. Especially when you know thousands of other people are listening, too. I didn't see Junior's car, but I'm certain he'll show up. He's very good with coming on time every day. After getting myself situated in the studio, I sat down to get some writing done. A few minutes later I could've sworn I heard something, but I was too absorbed in my work to look up. Until I heard footsteps coming towards me. Junior's footsteps. I can tell it's him even if I don't see him. I lifted my eyes, and sure enough, there he was. Was he... wearing his jacket without a shirt? A lump formed in my throat as I looked him over. He didn't even look very feminine today but he still looked good. Not good. Great. I could sense his apprehension, so I decided to say something first. "Hey, man." He exhaled and I could see him relax a bit. "Hey." If I wanted to get anything out of him, I needed to ask now. "So... what happened yesterday?" 

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