Chapter 11

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Starla's pov.

I ran to Norman, to save Slamacow's friend.

Slama: Dave! Run!
Dave: "tries to escape but he can't"
Norman: You're game is over, little buddy!

Norman was ready to hit Dave with shovel but... The Enderman grabbed shove from his hands.

Dave: "runs behind Enderman" Bart! I'm so glad that you're here!
Bart: I'm glad that you're fine.
Norman: Grrrr! Not this time idiots!
Bart: What do you want from us?!
Norman: I want to win this stupid game! Take Starla with me! Leave my own team and run away from all people who tried to stop me!!!

Silent. Everyone were shocked. No one could understand why he said that, but I know why. He wanted a friend. He wants me not because he loves me. Because he thought that I'm the only one person who can understand his feelings. And... That's true. I decided to talk to him.

Me: Norman, I know you're so happy to have me, but you need to understand that you can't leave your friends!
Norman: Friends?

Norman looked at Mike and Skelton that were shocked.

Norman: "points at them" They're my friends?! "Laughs" They're just stupid things, but not my friends! "Laughs"
Me: Wha-?!
Norman: I can just take from them power of souls and kill them without mercy!
Me: You're idiot!
Slama: You can't use their souls to take their power! It's to dangerous for you!
Norman: Interesting why?~
Slama: You'll die!

Norman wasn't afraid of that. I was shocked that Slamacow knows about this. Then Norman uses his power to take Slamacow's soul?!

Slamacow's pov.

I feel terrible pain! That's really hurts! My soul... Blue and white... On Normans hands... I see that Norman tries to take from it... My... Power... I think that's.... The end... F-for m-me...

Starla: Wait!
Norman: "stops doing it" Yes darling?~
Starla: If you want to take all of people power, then fight against me!
Norman: Fight against you?~
Starla: "nods"
Norman: Alright~
Starla: If I win this fight, you can leave people, your friends and run away from the city.
Norman: Heh good one. And if I win, I take all people's power and you'll stay with me, FOREVER!

Starla looks at Bart, Skelton and Dave. They were worrying about her. Then at Mike.

Mike: You need to do it for all people. For friends around you. Save us all, Starlight.

Then she looked at me... I was hurt but I could say...

Me: I-I... Believe in y-you... Starla...

Starla's pov.

I looked at Norman. That's the only one way to save him. To win this fight against him.

Me: Get ready your sword, Norman "eyes became red" I'll fight with you.

Love in first sight (SlamaxStarla)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon