Preface: Jacob

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Jacobs POV

Oh Bella. Oh why why why? I scanned the dark water, looking fro any sign of her. I screamed her name out into the dark shy, hoping for and sound, anything. But I heard nothing but the crash of waves. Frantically I scanned the water below, at the same time praying she really hadn’t done it, but hoping to catch a glimpse of her. But nothing.

Then, a flash of green, a jacket. I Immediately without thought, I jumped and dove into the dark water, thinking of nothing but my own fear for Bella. Please don't be dead, I silently begged. Please, Bella. I swam deeper, searching for Bella and trying to feel her. Then I felt something, an arm, grabbed it. I dragged her up onto the beach and managed to get the air out of her lungs, but still Bella showed no signs of life. She was pale, even paler than her usual albino skin. Her lips were blue and cold. I began to cry looking at her. The beautiful girl I loved was broken. A leg, an arm, her bloody face, and her heart. All broken.

Through the tears, only one thing could reach me. The stench. Sickly sweet and stinging my nose. A vampire. I stood up and turned around to find the redhead staring at Bella with cold black eyes. I rushed at her, knowing she was the only solution for my Bella. There was only one death I would let my Bella have. I rushed at Victoria and grabber her. "Fix her!" I roared, throwing Victoria near Bella, whose heart was beating, but only faintly. It was fading... Then Bella's heart sputtered as Victoria bit her. Before she could do more I ripped her away from Bella. Sam and the others ran up the beach, some still in wolf form. Sam barked a command and the wolves attacked Victoria. As the pack tore her apart I turned away and looked at Bella. My poor Bella. She looked dead, but her heart thudded wildly, slowly going back to regular heart beats. The venom was healing her.  

"She will not be harmed." I growled. 

"I will take full responsibility for Bella. I'll bring her up hunting animals. We can move to Alaska, live on penguins and tofu, anything! But please Sam, I must."

 I stared hard at all of my brothers. Sam looked me hard in the eye. "Jacob, you know this isn't right! Raising up a monster? You know she must be destroyed now. You've brought this on her." He looked at Bella, then away. "On it, Jacob." 

I moved in front of her, protecting her. "Emily, Sam! Your Emily is on the ground in front of you in pain, broken and dying. What would you do? WHAT!" I roared. He looked shocked, pained. "Emily..." he murmured. Sam glanced again at Bella's still form, then shook his head. 

As Sam looked back up at me he still seemed dazed. "Do what you wish Jacob, but remember the rules, and make sure she knows them too. No humans, ever. There will be no second chances." He began to walk away and shouts broke out, joined by angry barks and growls. 

"You can't let this happen!" Paul snarling something I didn't want to hear. "It's a monster now" "You can't trust it" "She'll grow to be a murd..." "SILENCE" Sam roared. The pack fell quiet instantly, silenced by Sam. "This is my verdict. You will obey." Everyone nodded, powerless against the order of the alpha. 

"Thank you Sam." I turned by back on them and picked Bella up, trying not to hurt her. She didn't stir even as I touched her broken leg. Trying to be as smooth as possible, I began to run into the woods. I knew the perfect place to bring her while she changed. 

. . . . . . . . . 

As it began to get dark, I arrived at the cottage. 

I had discovered the place about a month back, while running a scout. It was a small, run down place, but I began to fix the place up. It had become my home away from home, my place of silence. Now it would be ours. "Welcome to your new home Bella" I murmured as I ducked under the door. I couldn't find any other place to lay her down in the small house, so I lay her on a small stone shelf built into the wall. I caressed her face, and felt a bump on her temple the size of an egg. My poor Bella. She was nearly beaten to death against those rocks. She must have it her head and passed out after a particularly vicious wave and passed out. I only hoped that she would stay unconscious through the pain I knew was supposed to be there. I knew she would be burning, despite her stillness right now. After walking a few steps behind her, I sat down on a small chair I had brought here. She would be like that, still and changing, for two or three days, so the stories said. Well, go to sleep now Jacob, I told myself. In three days time, Bella will wake up forever. 


One second, she was laughing, watching her family along with Tanya, Kate, and Irina squabble playfully together, and watching her dear Jasper lovingly. Then the next she was in a dark cottage. A girl with brown hair lay in limp in front of her, deathly white, unmoving, and not breathing. But it was only a moment before the scene grew blurry and foggy, then disappeared entirely.

She blinked, and she was once again with her family, who were all gazing at her curiously. "What did you see?" Carlisle asked. She glanced at Edward, whose face was frozen, horrified. "It was Bella!" Alice gasped.

"She's dead."

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