impunity » harry au.

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im·pu·ni·ty (noun)

exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.

It's the year 2209 and impunity is king. Everyone and anyone can get away with murder literally. No one is punished for the crimes they commit, it's like the purge except it's reality. The drug lords and thugs now rule the streets. Children as young as 5 have guns as toys, but the sad thing is everyone isn't experiencing this turmoil. The rich people of the world were able to get away and go to someplace safe. The safe haven is the only place where the impunity law and criminals haven't affected.  Eliza Lister is one of the lucky ones. She was just a young child when the UN placed the law of impunity into place. All she knows of are the surroundings of the enclosed safe haven she has called home. But she was always innocently curious. So one day she ventures out with her half robot half dog Dylan and never returns. two days after she is reported missing Dylan is found outside with a note in his mouth. Eliza's boyfriend jack finds the dog and reads it. 

if you want the girl give me the key to safe haven

Jack knew that if he stole the key he could be killed. He also knew that if he didn't save Eliza he would perish from a broken heart. Now it is his mission to find and save eliza, and he will save her at all cost. 

 (originally posted January 17, 2014)

coming soonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora