Chapter 6 ~ Memories Best Forgotten

Start from the beginning

          "Excellent." she said. "This Friday after dinner I would like both of you to come in for a rudimentary check-up. I need to make sure that you are healing well and are completely healthy. Is that alright Remus?"

          Dad seemed to be thinking for a moment before saying "I believe so. I have no prior commitments. We will be here."

           "Then that's all." she said brightly, looking at us warmly. "I will see the pair of you on Friday. Now go and get some sleep!" She waved us away and returned to some paperwork that was laying on her desk. 

          We made our way back through the Hospital Wing and headed down the halls to find my dad's office.

          "And here it is!" he announced jovially as we stopped in front of a wooden door. "You can remember where it is by that picture." He pointed behind us, to the opposite side of the hall as his office on which hung a painting of a night sky with a full moon. I smiled at the image and turned back to the door.

          "The door is coded to my magical signature." he explained as he turned the knob. "But if you ever need to get in alone while I'm not in her you just have to whisper the password." He leaned close to my ear and whispered "The password is lumine luna. Don't forget it." 

          I nodded and he stood up, opening the door to an office very similar to the one at our house. It had  a large, cherry-wood desk with beautiful designs carved into it and a matching chair with deep red cushions. A small table sat off to the side, as well as three small wooden chairs. The office walls were quite bare, but I was sure my dad would have them filled in no time. Another door stood at the back of the room, identical to the one we had just gone through and my dad led me to it.

          "These are my quarters." he said, pushing open the door to reveal a bedroom. "The wards around my private rooms are set to only allow you, me and the other teachers access. Feel free to visit any time you would like. Though I would request you knock first." He shot me a grin and I knew he was thinking of my tendency to barge through doors with no consideration as to what I would find on the other side. I stuck out my tongue playfully and he laughed, pulling me onto his lap as he sat down on a navy blue couch that sat along one wall of his room.

          Bookshelves lined two of the walls of the room except for a bare patch occupied by yet another door, which I assumed led to a bathroom, the other two occupied by the couch and bed. They were the same dark stone as the rest of the castle, but seemed a bit, well, nicerOr at least prettier. The queen-size bed sat beneath a window through which moonlight shined and it was covered in dark blue and light grey blankets; the pillows were a metallic light brown, bronze. It didn't escape my notice that they were Ravenclaw house covers.

          "So," my dad began, sitting me on the couch next to him. "Ravenclaw. Your mother would be so proud." He smiled down at me and I smiled too, cuddling into his warmth. "And I'm proud too, even if you aren't in Gryffindor." He joked playfully, pulling me closer to him.

          "Thanks dad." I said, wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug. He hugged me back, then checked his watch. 

          "Alright, time for the sappy moment to be over." He said, yawning. "It's really late and I daresay you don't want to fall asleep here. Let's get you to your common room."

          I sighed as he stood up. I really was tired and it had been so comfortable sitting on the couch. He led me back out of his office and into the stone corridors. I had trouble concenrating on where we were going and kept yawning. Finally we reached the spiral staircase that lead up to the entrance to the common room.

Emily Michelle LupinWhere stories live. Discover now