Chapter 6 ~ Memories Best Forgotten

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Warning: This chapter has mentions of violence and blood. If this makes you queasy, here's your warning.

Chapter 6 ~ Memories Best Forgotten

          I squeezed through the crowd, taking advantage of my small size to slip through the multitude of students. My dad was still sitting at the staff table, along with most of the other teachers, and I suddenly felt very nervous. I slowed down and walked over to my dad, who sat at the far end of the table, feeling the eyes of the other teachers on me. 

          "Hey Em." He said, smiling down at me. "We're just going to go see Madam Pomfery to talk about our special "arrangements" and then I'll show you where my office is before escorting you to Ravenclaw tower. Sound okay?" I nodded a little hesitantly. I hoped the visit with Madam Pomfery wouldn't take too long. I was starting to get tired and wanted to meet my other roommates before classes the next day.

          My dad took my hand and we exited the hall through a back doorway. I breathed a small sigh of relief. I was glad to be away from the inquisitive eyes of the teachers. Especially as they all knew I was a werewolf.

          We made our way up three or four staircases and I took in everything that I could. I saw numerous suits of armor and tons of paintings of various famous witches and wizards. I hardly noticed when we came to the huge oaken doors that marked the entrance to the hospital wing. Everything was so much larger than it was at our house and it was really strange and exciting.

          Dad pushed open the doors of the Hospital Wing and we stepped inside. Tidy white beds lined the walls on both sides of the long room and the walls were mostly made up of high, mullioned windows through which we could see the dark sky twinkling with stars. A door at the far end of the ward opened and the familiar figure of Madam Pomfery swept into the main area of the Hospital Wing.

          "Remus! Emily!" she cried, a large smile on her kind face. "Do come in! I haven't see you in ages!"

          "Hello Poppy." Dad said, a wan smile on his face.

          "Hi Madam Pomfery." I said, stifling a yawn.

          "Don't worry." she said with a knowing smile on her face. "It shouldn't take too long, and then you can both get off to bed."

          "It has only been about twelve hours since we last saw you." I reminded her. She sent me a wink.

          She ushered us into her office and motioned for us to take a seat in two wooden chairs sitting in front of her desk. We waited for a moment while she shuffled some papers before we began.

          "So," she started. "Yet another werewolf to pass through Hogwarts. I believe your father here has told you quite a bit about his time here?" She directed the question at me. I nodded, inwardly grinning. There was a lot more about his transformations at school that I knew, but she didn't.

          "Then as you know, the procedure will be much like it is at your own house, except your father won't be transforming with you." I nodded once again.

          "After dinner on the night of the full moon you will come directly to the Hospital Wing, where I will prepare you for the night and lead you down to the Whomping Willow. From there you will be locked in the Shrieking Shack until morning, when I will come and collect you and bring you back to the Hospital Wing. The Headmaster has already checked the shack and renewed the enchantments on it to provide safety, so that should not be a problem." She directed the last statement more to my dad than to me. He nodded understandingly.

Emily Michelle LupinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang