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Paranormal creatures in human form roamed the streets of hell, making it look like a normal city. Little did they know that a single girl was watching them with a smirk playing at her lips and her loyal servant, a man who looked in his twenties with silver hair and red eyes, by her side.

"Aiden," the girl said.

"Yes m'lady?" Her servant asked.

"Follow." As soon as the word left her mouth she jumped to the street below, her long midnight black hair streaming after her. Aiden sighed before he jumped after her, following her to an abandoned part of town where they were to meet the leader of the Decri, a gang of demons who could shift into wolves, to fight for the title of leader. Even though they were one of the weaker gangs his mistress could benefit from becoming the leader. As they got to their destination, a lanky teenager with red hair and amber eyes stepped out from the shadows smirking at the girl and her servant, others of his gang following after him and surrounding the two intruders.

"Are you the one I'm supposed to be fighting?" He asked, turning to the girls servant, not noticing her eye beginning to twitch and her head lower slightly as a maniacal grin started to form on her face. The red head noticed this and turned to her starting to mock her, "Oh, what is this? Is the little gir- ." He was cut off by a swift kick to the face, knocking him back around 10 feet.

The girl's servant sighed and said, "Did you have to be so rough master?"

"Of course I did. You know how much I detest being called little," the girl replied to her servant.


Okay this is all I can think of currently. Chapters should get longer as I get more anger that needs to be released.

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