The Boat Ride

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I ask Willy whats going to happen to Augustus.

"He'll be fine my dear, I promise" Willy said. He knew I was worried about him ' but mostly Willy's chocolate business' 

I trust him so I believe he will be fine. Willy would never let anything happen that would put his chocolate business in danger. A pink sea horse boat comes down the chocolate river. It seems to be driven by the Oompa Loompas but they seem to be facing the opposite way the coat is going. We all gather the near the end of the chocolate river waiting for the boat to come to a complete stop. When the boat stops the Oompa Loompas begins to giggle a little.

"What's so funny?" Violet asks 

" I think it's from all those god damn coco beans. By the way, did you know that chocolate contains a property that triggers the release of endorphins, gives one the feeling of being in live" Willy said while looking down at me making me blush a little.

" You don't say" Violets mother said to Willy. At that moment I wanted to tell her that he wasn't into her, that she was making him uncomfortable but before I could do anything

" All aboard" Willy had said to detract me, we where that last ones on the boat and Willy helped me on. I was always afraid of getting on boats. I noticed that Violets mother had moved over a little hoping that Willy would sit next to her but instead he sat next to me and Charlie in that back of the boat still holding my hand.

" On word" Willy told the Oompa Loompas as the Oompa Loompa started to beat he drum at a reasonable pace. As we started to move Willy got a ladled of melted chocolate form the river. 

"Here try some of this, It'll do you good. You look starved to death" Willy said while handing me the ladle of chocolate. I let Charlie take a sip before me. Younger one always come first. 

"It's great!" Charlie said. I nodded in response to Charlies reaction to the taste of the wonderful chocolate.

"Mmmm... Thank you" I said handing the ladle back to him

"That's because it's mixed by waterfall. The waterfall is most important, mixes the chocolate, churns it out, makes it light and frothy. Oh by the way, no other factory in the world-" Willy had repeated himself but got interrupted

" you already said that" Veruca told Willy. I patted him on the back.

"it's ok" I whisper to him while giving her a glare

" Your all quite short aren't ya?" Willy asked as a remark towards Veruca. I can tell she was getting to him to. 

" Well yeah we're children" Violet said to Willy. All these children are getting on my nerve. Why do they have to be so snobby. 

" That's no excuse. I was never as short as you" Willy said while he was acting a little childish which i enjoyed because it makes him that much cuter.

"You where once" Mike told Willy 

" Was not, ya know why? Because I distinctly remember to put a hat on top of my head, but with your short little arms you could never reach" Willy replied to Mike. After that all the children had turned around 

" do you remember what it was like being kid?" Charlie asked 

"Oh boy do I!" Willy started to say before dazing off again. I gave him a small hug while whispering sweet little things to him which seemed to stop it. Thank god. every time he has a flashback he always looks so sad. 

" How can they see where there going?" Violet asks 

"Oh they cant . There's no telling where there going. Switch on the lights" He had replied to Violet's question. After that we went into a downward tunnel. we were going so fast i had to hang on to Willy for dear life 'not because  as scared or anything' 

" It;s fine my sweets, nothings going to happen. I promise" Willy had told me. I now realized that my face has found a new color called 'rose pink'. i only nodded while still holding onto him for dear life. He just looked down and giggle a bit, admiring your reaction.

" If your gonna be like this every time your scared, then maybe i should scare you more often my dear" I just start at him with a look of disapproval. The boat only seemed to be going faster and i was holding onto Willy tighter. Charlie was beside me laughing at me. Charlie noticed something before I did. He leaned over and whispered something in my ear. 

" Look at his hands, hes motioning the boat to go faster." Charlie told me. he's right. He was making the boat go faster. I thanked Charlie. I let go of Willy giving him a sly smirk while holding onto Charlie's had. I was still very scared. He looked at me confused until her realized that i had caught him in teh act of trying to scare the living day lights out of me.

"Oh I see you have caught me" He laughed

" Yeah only because of Charlie. If he didn't point it out first then I would have never realized" i giggle back at him. He gave Charlie a playful glare. I gave him a hug showing him I forgave him for what he has done. The boat slowed down back to it's original speed. 

" People, keep an eye out. We're passing some important rooms here" He said as we passed rooms that different types of creams are made. We passed and open room.

" Whipped cream" Charlie said, looking in the room with the cow. 

" Precisely, hehe" Willy said. It made me smile. why does he have to be so dang adorable while he does that? 

" That doesn't make sense" Veruca said.

For your information little girl, Whipped cream isn't whipped cream at all, unless its been whipped with whips" Willy said. What he said wasn't wrong though it did make me scared of him a little more though. ;) I think he noticed that. The boat picked up speed again. You hugged Willy for dear life. I think I was hugging him tighter than last time. He looked down and chuckled while giving a sweet smile. I on the other hand was giving him the look of ' if you don't shush up I will hurt you' type of look.

" I have to be careful with her, don't I Charlie" Willy said to Charlie while patting my head, completely ignoring the fact that I gave him that dirty look.

"yup" is all Charlie said in reply

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