Chapter 1

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Sitting on an airplane for 10-11 hours was not exactly how I had planned my extended vacation from work to go. But as it was my bestfriend Sandra had dialed me up and paid for a two way ticket from Los Angeles to Scotland for two months. I had missed my friend dearly but I understood completely. Sandra was in love, and newly married to a hunk of a Scotsman. Logan McCallister of the Macleoid Clan. I had met the Scot once or twice before the wedding arrangements. It had been close to a year since I had last seen Sandra and it was taking its tole on me.

You can imagine the surprise and giddiness I felt after being rang and told to pack my bags I was going to Scotland for two months. I needed the break from work. The stress that had been building up was enough to last me a lifetime and I was only 19! Sandra being a few years my senior knew this; being my best friend and all had it's perks.

Sandra was pulling 24 while my 20th birthday stood a good few months away. Sandra and I had met in college with me having been pushed up a few grades and being at the top of my class I graduated highschool at the age of 15. My social skills were nonexistant and when I landed myself with a full scholarship into a college in California my parents jumped for the spot. I stayed in a dorm to my surprise. My parents had pushed for it, hoping I would be able to make friends with at least someone decent. Turns out my roomie was Sandra. Long story short she became like an over-protective big sister to me. She was extremely impressed with how smart I was but immensely surprised at my age. Ever since then we'd been inseperable. Of course until 'Tall-dark-and-Scotsman' showed up.

I chuckled at the memory of how Sandra and me met. Thinking back it seemed like forever ago. She was the one who really brought me out of my shell. Always telling me to 'live a little'.

My parents absolutely adored Sandra when they met her. They considered her their second child although in reality she would have been their first but whose that technical right? Well Sandra and her parents weren't exactly on good terms with each other. The way they looked down upon people didn't sit right with her if you know what I mean. Sandra was a fun-loving, caring, and giving person. Her parents, were not.

They were the higher class and saw people who didn't make more money than they did as garbage. Perse that's how they saw me. And to say it simply Sandra lost it when they began pointing things out that were wrong with me. That I would never make it in life. And that I was nothing more than pathetic. So in more words than one I was one of the main reasons her and her folks don't talk any more. She never blames me though, said it was bound to happen some day, right? Wrong. I still feel guilty over the matter.

But the deal breaker with that one? That had to have been Logan. In her parents eyes Logan was even lower than I was. Not worth the dirt on their shoes. All because he was a Scot. That sent Sandra completely off the roof.

Not only did they not give them their blessing but they also spat in her face, saying and I quote 'If you marry this discrace of a human being we no longer know you as our daughter but as scum'. Not even joking. Her parents are beyond hoity toity and dispicable human beings if you ask me. Logan is a good man. He loves Sandra with all his heart, and her, him. I'll never understand those two and don't really care too either. Taking a look out the window I decided to quit reminiscing and sleep for the remainder of the trip. I called one of the stewardisses over and asked for a pillow which she obliged and closed my eyes for what felt like mere seconds.

"Please fasten your seatbelts as we prepare to land" The captain announced over the loud speaker, waking me from my slumber. A tired smile stretched my lips as I slowly sat up and buckled my seatbelt for landing. I am finally going to see my sister again. My lips stretched even more as I pictured her lovely face, as the plane slowly descended into the lovely lands of the Scots.

The planes descent didn't take too awful long and when the wheels touched down, I was bouncing in my seat with giddiness. I wonder if she has changed any since the last I saw her I mused but looked over it. The people that had been on my plabe were now gathering their things and getting off the blasted plain. While I was sitting their bouncing like a child on a sugar high. 

Snapping out of my giddy stupor I quickly stood to retrieve my things from the compartment above my head. I packed a hell of a lot of things and these bags were not light in the slightest. I mentally groaned as I lugged all of the bags I brought with me off of the plane.

I went through the customary airport protocalls of getting my luggage checked, being checked myself, and then finally being let go to wander around the airport like a lost puppy. I looked for Sandra the minute I was let free. When I didn't spot her, my heart sank. I continued my seach, my eyes dragging over every person in that damned airport. When my eyes landed on 'Tall-dark-and-Scotman' himself, a smirk spread across my lips as I noticed the little bundle he held at bay at his side. The smirk widened further when Sandra tried to bolt towards me once she had spotted me but again was held at bay by mister handsome. I saw her huff like a child and cross her arms glaring up at her startlingly tall husband. He only returned her glare with a loving smile that I saw her melt for as soon as I moved closer. 'Yuck!' 

Mind you I am quite a romance junky but she's like a sister to me and just.. Ew. I held a hand to my lips as Logan noticed my approach and he smiled that killer smile at me before whispering something in Sandra's ear. She blushed profusely from what little of her face I could see and this amused me greatly, but I was in turn not wishing to find out any time soon what he had just whispered in her ear.

As I reached them I noticed Sandra was scolding him for saying such a thing in public. He paid no mind to the scolding, he was simply trying not to smile like a fool and ruin my plan. Which I thanked him for. Smiling deviously at him, I tapped her on the shoulder to which she spun around startled at first before a huge grin stretched her lips, in very much the same way mine were. Before I could even move she punced on me. Literally. She pounced on me which in turn made us both tumble to the ground laughing and hugging each other. Oh, it was so good to see her again!

"I've missed you! So much.." She whispered in my ear. I could hear the thickness in her voice as she held her tears at bay. My own eyes pricked with tears as I also held my emotions at bay.

"I've missed you as well, sister" I told her, the same thickness in my own voice, making it hard to speak. A throat cleared above us and we both looked up to find Logan smiling down at us.

"Sorry tae interupt yer reuion but ye ur oan an airport fluir. therefair woods ye brammer kimers min' if we waited until we reached haem afair tacklin' each other tae th' grin?" He asked us politely, with a bit of humor lacing every word. I looked at Sandra to explain what in the hell he just said to us. Turns out sh eknew exactly what he said, to which we both nodded our heads before scrambling to our feet. We left our arms around each other though, leaving Logan to carry my things. Oops?  I heard him grunt from the weight of the bags and snickered quietly behind my free hand. "Oi! whit did ye pit in these blasted bags? rocks?" he grumbled as he lugged the bags behind us. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I burst out in a fit of laughter. His brogue was so thick I hardly understood a word he said to me. Though it was going to get easier. I hoped.

We left the airport in haste and ended up in a rather large SUV. This didn't surprise me since Logan was a rather large man, in height and in bulk. Though he did complain about 'Bludy kimmers an' their ower packin' as he put it so kindly. I hid a snicker at this. His brogue was too damn funny but also very sexy in a weird sort of way. Shaking that thought from my mind I turned to my bestfriend and began throwing questions at her left and right as we made out way back to the 'small castle' that the Macleoid Clans owned.

(A/N Okay I added a bit more in effort to give you guys a better look at what I'm trying to bring about with this story. It's not really that great but I love the plot and decided I wanted to make my own story of it. The next chapter should be in Alastair's POV because I need to introduce him considering he is such a big part of this story. But first we need to get more aquainted with Logan ( A MAcleoid... Did anyone else catch that little tid bit about him? ) And Sandra.

Hope you all enjoy the added on bit! :) Please give me feedback and leave comments below and I will make sure to get back to all of you. And if not I'll try to message you personally about it. Thank you so so so much MUAH!!)

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