Mama's Boy

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The Sandwing stumbled through the sandstorm and the sand whipping across his burnt body stung like a million bees. Even though Sandwings can go awhile without water, his time was up with his tongue was dry and leathery. Tears formed at his dark gray eyes, having the thought of no success, that he'd die where he stood. But he must. He must succeed. They had caused so much pain. They broke his mother's heart. They brought so much stress upon her. They made her work twice as hard. They killed his father. The Sandwing gave up so much, just so that other dragons didn't have to endure what his family did. He gave up love, safety, home-- everything.
The Sandwing tipped over and collapsed. Dark dots began to flood his vision. Until he saw another dragon's talons by his face among the billowing sand. The other one lowered its head, revealing to be a Sandwing with bright green eyes. His father. The Sandwing thrashed on the ground, trying desperately to speak and stand. The father dashed away and disappeared, clearing up the sandstorm as he went. The Sandwing squinted his eyes and saw a marvel on the horizon, The Skywing Kingdom.

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