My Angelic Waifu

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MC supposed to be a pervert and yes, there are grammar issues cuz I am too lazy to fix it. This is a oneshot entry for undefmidi  Competition in WriterxWriter Group. A one-shot featuring not one but two waifus paired with DekuGuy . Eris and Chris from Konousuba. Beware, many unrelated things and memes are in this book so.... Happy Reading

Kirishima IRL aka DekuGuy  X Chris/ Eris ( Konosuba )

The day started normally. Adventurers started doing some quests to obtain money. The adventurer guild was packed with people, wearing a variety of clothes, weapons, and armors. Maybe most of you were thinking most adventurers were buffed guy with hot muscles and handsome faces? Surprisingly, that wasn't the case here. There were some cute girls working as adventurers. Their armor which revealed most of their bodies was candy to my eyes.


Most of the adventurers were human, but in some rare cases, many fantasy races such as elves and demons were also becoming adventures. Their goal was simple, to obtain wealth and popularity. Being an adventurer isn't a stable job because, if you don't do any quest, you wouldn't get any money. If you fail a quest, you will be charged. if there weren't any quests that were suitable for you, you couldn't work until there was a suitable quest for you.

Adventurers were divided into 7 classes. They will start off with F Class followed by E, D, C, B, A, and the top among the top is S Class. Each class has their own separate quest to make sure that they wouldn't do a quest that wasn't suitable for them. Everytime an adventurer finished a quest, they need to go back to the guild and give a report and then the guild would give a stamp which means that their quest was a success. When they succeeded a certain amount of quest, they will be nominated to rank up. If they pass the Rank Up Exam, they could choose to rank up or stay on the lower rank.

The adventurer job can be varied from guarding a merchant cart to Demon King slaying. Each quest has its own rewards and requirements before you can take it. Most of the people who choose adventurer as a job want to feel the thrill of adventuring. The fear when your life is on the line and the joy when you finished a quest.

Thinking back, I was happy living here at the past few months. Suddenly got hit by a truck and died horribly. At least it wasn't all that bad. I maybe died in my past life but to be honest, living here was also very fun. I made a new experience, friends and most importantly, I meet her.

The truck was speeding up to me. As I was about to dodge it, I hit a rock and stumbled onto the road. The horn was ringing in my ears as I braced myself for the impact.


It hurt, really freaking hurt. I think I went flying. Maybe? I tried to open my eyes but I cant. My body was feeling very tired. All I could see was darkness. I exhale my last breath before I passed out.



Wait, why my body wasn't hurt anymore. Is it Miracle? Am I still alive?

I opened my eyes and the first thing that came to my vision was a very beautiful girl sitting on a throne. She had a long silvery hair and blue eyes. Her radiant smile was piercing my heart. The attire that she wearing really suit her gentle and lovely face. I was so captive by her that my words won't come out.

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