Knocked Out Cold

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           Mio woke up with Kazoki , he then got up slowly and covered up her with the blanket . Mio was taller than her so it kinda was weird looking down all the time . I'm in the 8th grade with her and my eyes are special my parents always told me but I don't believe it. He dashed up breakfast which contained ; A cup of coffee , eggs and bacon , and some toast . He was eating then Kazoki came downstairs and this time she took off her hoodie and just had a grey tang top just like me ... probably stole it from my sisters old dresser I had . I told her to eat up and we did and got changed , I changed into a black shirt with a white symbol from Naruto his favourite anime and some black pants with 3 white strips on the side and Kazoki had still a tang top a white jacket that had a hood with panda ears that she loved , some black shorts and she put on her glasses.

That morning Mio decided to go out and buy some ramen for us which actually wasent that much yen it was around ¥5000 which was a good deal for 5 packs of instant noodles which had 2 packets in each one so basically ten packets of ramen for the two of us . I was walking back to the house and I felt a tight grip on my shoulder and it pulled me into a dark alley were I looked up and it was a person with a grey cloak on , I started to yell " If Your Kazoki Show Yourself!"
Yet no response..
He put a clothe over my mouth to stop the yelling and for me to lose air to pass out ..
Which I did..

I woke up in a grey walled room with a wooden floor , there was a door with a window but it wasn't a glass it was metal bars... I start to wonder who is this person , do I know them? What have I started...
Or it's just a idiot who starves people to death or abuses them / torture the hell out of them..He had to be one of the above — I stop my thoughts when the door creeks open and the person walked in and shut the door behind him
He pulled out 20 foot long chain , a whip that looked like a collar or a whip that you hit people when they don't obey you , it was a long black whip , and finally a metal sticks..
My body was tied and chained to the chair so I don't know what he wants , the man pulled a table with 5 needles , the whip / collar , the chain , and the metal sticks out . He took off his mask and he was male , slender , dark blue hair , grey eyes and his mask that looked like a mask you'd wear at a musical if you were to be the bad villain or something...
He started talking about how I'm gonna stay in here for 3 weeks and if I get out alive I get a prize that worth tons and tons of yen do I was interested to see what he did
He started to pull the chains and the rope off me and I stranded up but he hit me to the left wall making me fall , he was nice and then he was back to his kidnapper act and grabbed me by the neck and injected a needle into my knee and he dragged me to the middle and he grabbed the metal bars and put them beside me standing up just like prison bars and e was building it just like a prison cage but with two of them on each side of me . He grabbed the chains and chained my legs to the poles and so with my arms and torso and for extra safety on his part he cuffed my arms and legs along with the chains . I then thought different than nice of him .. i was about to go mental if he didn't give me answers

If your a fan of idk psychopathic story's you love mine :3
Also if your a perv and stuff this is the book for you :D
ANYWAYS! Leave what you think in the comments , I know my first chapter sucks balls but at least it's not just like , Mio got left
So I hope you like it ;3
Slide up C;

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