Chapter 1

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Ambers P.O.V

"Wakey wakeeeeeey!" I hear a very annoying voice whine in my poor sensitive ears.

I groan in annoyance and pull my handmade purple and pink blanket my grandma made me over my head to block out the world.

My eyes fully open and I blink the sleep away from my still tired eyes, I don't know if anyone else has this but I still feel tired when I wake up in the morning...Is this normal? Well, my brothers don't think so.

Speaking of my brothers, they're probably the culprits of my rude awakening to the bright sunny world full of hate and meanies. I can see through the blanket in the small holes it has and I see my brother Grey sitting by the side of my buried legs and quietly watching me hiding, Classic Grey always watching me.

"Come on Ambi its time for your morning shower!" My other brother Issac sang and calling me by the nickname he has called me my entire life, I find it cute but my other brothers frown at Issac whenever he calls me that. Ambi is my favourite nickname that any of my brothers call me, ohh don't even get me started on all the embarrassing nicknames all my brothers have called me...




Cutie pie



And worst of all...Babydoll.

Its not just the nickname I don't like it is what they do whenever they say it, we could be out anywhere and I mean anywhere like shopping, a restaurant, a funeral and even in my school around tonnes of judgemental school kids, they will pinch both my cheeks and say 'Babydoll' in a cute baby voice, just to embarrass me.


Okay, I should probably give you some backstory on me so you understand who everyone is and what happens to me on a daily basis.

My names Amber Hutton, I'm 16 years old and I have 4 overprotective brothers. I have my oldest brother Jason who is 29. My second oldest brother Issac who is 27. My brother Grey who is 23. And last but not least my youngest brother Dylan who is 21.

I love all my brothers to pieces and if anyone of them moved far away or died for that matter, I think it would actually break me apart, and I'm not exaggerating one bit. I know my brothers feel the same way as I do because they make the point every day to tell me how much they love me and care for me, it so sweet and my heart melts for them every time.

But not everything is sweet and lovely when it comes to my brothers when I say they're overprotective....I mean EXTREMELY overprotective. They don't let me leave the house unless it's urgent and even when I do, some of them have to join me because 'I can never be alone'. They forbid me from seeing any boys even if I intend for them to be my friend and not a lover, they still won't allow it. My brothers choose my clothes and dress me every day, I know you probably think It's weird but I'm used to it now.

The list goes on about every little thing they do, but I know they mean well and are just looking out for me so I'm not against them.

There have been times where they have taken it too far though. One time I was sitting at my lunch table with my friend Becky and she asked if we could let her friend Troy come sit with us because he was new to the school, I of course allowed it because I didn't want to be rude and I didn't see a problem with it...but my brother Jason saw a HUGE problem with it. I'm not joking! he was visiting the school to pick me up for a doctor's appointment and I completely forgot about it, I was eating my lunch (Bearing in mind the WHOLE of my year was in the cafeteria as well!) Jason stormed in the cafeteria and screamed at Troy for being to close to me.... He was sitting opposite me.

Cutting to the short story, Jason threatened Troy to never come within breathing distance of me again, lifted me over his shoulder and practically ran out of the school premises and to my doctor's appointment. Yeah and this is normal for me now.

Even though my brothers are a pain in the butt most of the time, I wouldn't change it for the world.

I snapped out of my daydream when I felt the blanket being ripped away from my head and being picked up by Grey. "Someone's extra sleepy today, cutie," Grey said whilst carrying my half-asleep body into my joined bathroom. Grey placed me on the sink counter while he got my shower ready.

I was about to fall back asleep when I heard my bedroom door slamming open and a very high pitch gasp echoed through the room.

Ladies and gentlemen...the queen has arrived.

"Gosh, this room looks like a pigsty! Ugh, but where is my princess!?" I hear my brother Dylan scream, vibrating all the walls in the whole house because of his unnecessary loud voice.

"Yo Dylan can you shut your mouth and come in here!" Grey shouted in slight irritation. I hear loud footsteps stomping louder and louder when I see a very stylish and well-dressed Dylan standing in all his glory at the bathroom door looking horrified and disgusted.

"You look awful Pumpkin!" Dylan gasped whilst holding one hand to his mouth in horror.

As you can probably tell already, Dylan is the liveliest and most over exaggerating sibling of us all. Dylan never fails to put a smile on all of our faces whenever we are feeling down. Dylan has always been into fashion for as long as I can remember and he is currently studying to be a full-time fashion designer and I'm so proud of him for all his achievements, he always wears his own wild creations and sometimes gets me to model dresses and other clothes for him in his photoshoots for his future brand he is creating, it's always so fun working with him and we have a bond that could never be broken.

Dylan is openly gay and I can remember so many good and funny memories whenever we would go out or watch TV together and drool over the hot guys and rate them from one to ten on sexiness. It was one of the many great memories that we share and to this day we still do it, without telling the rest of my brothers because if they found out our 'little game' then they would be livid.

"Dylan can you get Ambers outfit ready" Grey shouted whilst he walked over to me, Dylan let out a sigh of relief, "I thought you would never ask! Of course, I'm going to make Amber look extra cute today!" he sung whilst running to my closet that mostly consisted of clothes that Dylan has made and designed.

This is something else that you should probably know about us, all my brothers pick my clothes and dress me in them every day, I'm not kidding, whenever we go out to the mall, shop online or when Dylan makes me something, it has to be approved by each sibling. They check how much skin would be revealed, the colours, if it's too tight in certain areas or if it gives boys 'The wrong idea'. This is a process that takes a lot of time and effort. My brothers have had fights in the past over certain items of clothes that one brother likes but another brother thinks its too revealing.

These fights especially occur when we buy my bras and panties, this is a whole other story when we buy any of these... they each have to do extra thinking and deciding when it comes to bras and panties, they have to pick out a selection and make me try them on and show them, I know this is a weird thing to do in front of your brothers and stuff, but we are all so natural around each other now that it doesn't bother me, we have all seen each other naked, especially me when they get me ready for my morning showers and baths.

One time we were in Victoria Secret, already bad move, we were here because I wanted new bras and for once I wanted to pick my can probably see where this is going, I picked out about three bras, I showed my brothers and they went ballistic. "It's too slutty!" "You can't wear push-up bras!" and "This is so not your colour!" -That one came from Dylan.

I gave up in the end and let them decide, let's just say that we receive some very dirty looks whenever we go to lingerie stores.

"Come on cutie snap out of it because we need to get you showered and ready for school," Grey said in his baby voice to me.

I jumped off the counter, stripped out my clothes and had my shower, this is going to be a long day...


Hey guys!

So this is my new book and I am so excited about it because I have so many ideas for this book that I can't wait to write.

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