To Forget The Past: XXVII

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"I disagree, its hilarious"

"Mhm, sure, whatever you say" I said smiling, still slightly chuckling at how weird Kane is.

"What are you going to do when you get home?" I asked Kane softly. I didn't want to push him to talk about things he didn't want to, and it was clear going home was something we both didn't necessarily want to do.

"Pack up for college," He spoke, his voice monotone.

"Already? We graduated just only three months ago" I asked questioningly.

"Yeah, well, I'm defiantly not staying with my dad, he only treats me like shit, especially after my mum, he still blames me."

I nodded, feeling bad for bringing up the conversation, but I was glad he could talk to me about it.

"How about you?"

I glanced at him, his eyes on his phone, scrolling through Instagram. I sighed, "Not sure yet, I was accepted into a few colleges, schollerships from soccer"

"Mh, are you going?"

I put on my blinker, turning, only dreading the seconds we got closer to my house. "Yeah, I believe so."

"Why are you so hesitant?" He paused before continuing quickly, adding in, "Not to sound rude, of course, just genuinely asking"

"Yeah, it's alright. Um, I don't know, I'm just...nervous, I guess"

Kane nodded though didn't comment anymore, he didn't push for more information, which I appreciated. For the next twenty minutes, we didn't talk at all, no more questions or random jokes, just letting the songs on my playlist play.

"You okay?" Kane asked, his hand on my shoulder. I nodded, turning the door handle to my house, already expecting my parents to be ready to attack me with questions and hugs the second I step inside. "Do I come in too?" He asked, making me laugh.

I punched him gently in the shoulder, "Yes, idiot, my parents are gonna want every detail of the trip"

He raised his eyebrow at me, a small smirk on his lips. "Every detail?" He asked, commenting on our kiss. Immediately I blushed, feeling embarrassed, though couldn't stop myself from being happy from thinking about it.

"Okay, maybe not that" I chuckled, trying to stop my face from going even more red before pushing the door open, my bags in my hands, my camera in Kane's.

"EVEREST!" I heard my name being shouted cheerfully right when the door was opened, immediately a small figure ran to me and wrapped their arms around my tall frame, making me drop one of my bags.

    I laughed happily, "Lilly," I greeted her, bending down to hug her back.

    "It's been, like, a million years" Lilly exaggerated, sighing loudly.

    "Well, I'm back here for a little while" I said chuckling, hearing my mum and dad walk into the room.

    Lilly pulled away and moved her eyes to Kane, who stood behind me, kinda looking awkward and unsure what to do with himself. "You're Everest's boyfriend, yeah?" She asked, making Kane chuckle and glance at me, smiling.

    What were we?

    "Everest," I looked up to my parents, glad they walked in before I had to answer the question and may have said something wrong.

    I smiled and hugged both my parents, my bags next to the closed door, where Kane was standing, holding my camera.

    "We've missed you so much," My mum said with a sad smile, she looked like she was going to cry.

To Forget The Past (Draft 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang