Because I was really frustrated because they didn’t even notice me and have fun on me instead, I decided to get out of the scene. I first observed their reaction if I leave.

Kagami: Oi minna where’s Kuroko?

Kise: Kurokocchi is so hardworking! Probably he’s only practicing his misdirection!!

Everyone: That makes sense.

I was really devastated when I heard them say, “That makes sense”. But I am also grateful because Kagami-kun noticed that I’m not there. Was I really that unbeloved to my teammates and friends?

I’m strolling here and grabbed a Vanilla Shake from Maji Burger. I then went to a park and sat on the swing. It’s 4 in the afternoon, and as usual, children are playing to their hearts extent. I really found the scene adorable.

Then a kid wearing cow costume went to me and asked me.

Lambo: Please give me that shake.

I: No.

Lambo: Please?


Lambo: Pweety Pwease? *teary eyed*


Lambo: Must not cry--- Uwaaaaah Tsuna I want some of that Vanilla Shake!!!!

Tsuna: Lambo, you just ate Takoyaki!

Gokudera: Oi stupid cow stop crying and don’t disturb the tenth!

Takeshi: Looks like you’re all having fun!

Gokudera: Oi Takeshi can’t you see that we’re not having fun?

Ryohei: Wow, it’s already 4 in the afternoon and all of you are enjoying yourselves TO THE EXTREME!!!

Gokudera: Urusai Grass Head!!!

Ryohei: Urusai Octopus Head!!

I: Minna-san, please stop. You’re all disturbing the children.

Tsuna: Gaaaaaah have you been here the whole time?

Reborn: *kicks Tsuna like Kasamatsu* You’re really useless without the Dying Will Bullet! Ciaossu! My name is Reborn. Here’s my business card.

Tsuna: Reborn, why did you give him your Business card?

Reborn: I figured out that he can be of great use to the Vongola Famiglia and shall work as the spy of the mafia boss because of his low presence.

Tsuna: Oi don’t just speak about mafia in public!!!

I: Are you all members of the Mafia?

Tsuna: As a matter of fact, yes. But we’re the mafia which doesn’t care much about Family wars and others. We bring peace.

I: Is that so. Then who is your boss?

Gokudera: Isn’t is obvious that Tsuna is the Tenth?

I:It’s not obvious.

Tsuna: Waaaaaah Hidoi-desu!!! >….<

Reborn: Tsuna don’t act like that stupid cow! One stupid cow is enough for this family!

Lambo: What did you say, Reborn? Come here and I’ll throw my grenades at you!!!

Gokudera: Oi Grass head go home already!

Ryohei: Did you own this park? Do you have a land title?

Gokudera: Oi Grass head! Parks are owned by the Government!  They are the possession of all Japanese Citizens!

Ryohei: Is that so? How can you even call yourself Japanese if you come from Italy?

Gokudera: Grass head!!!!!

Ryohei: Octopus Head!!!!!!!

Takeshi: Why don’t we have fun instead?

Gokudera and Ryohei: URUSAI!!!!!!!

Tsuna: Looks like we’re left alone.

I: Umm yeah. I have a question for you, Tsuna-san. How does it feel to be the boss of the Vongola Famiglia?

Tsuna: It’s very painful really. But fun!

I: How come you experience pain and fun at the same time?

Tsuna: I really like protecting my family and I’ll do anything for them. Even though they doesn’t thank me or I didn’t gain anything from it. It’s alright as long as they’re safe.

I then remembered my life as Teiko’s sixth man and Kagami’s shadow. I didn’t really realize things at first and tend to be stubborn. I shouldn’t have left because the senpais didn’t notice me. I realize that supporting your team from the shadows is better than doing nothing.

I: Thank you for answering my question, Tsuna-san. I think you shall take good care of your family.

I was about to leave when the reincarnation of Akashi-kun came.

Hibari: Oi, herbivores. Don’t crowd here. It’s annoying.

This man really is scary.


I: Ja, Tsuna-san. It’s nice meeting you. Thank you again.  I shall go now.

Reborn: I’ll go this way.

Gokudera: Tenth, my sister just called me and told me that if I didn’t go home right now, she’s gonna make me eat that poison cooking of hers.

Lambo: Tsuna, I’m just going to see I-pin!

Takeshi: Ja, Tsuna. My father just called and said that I should help him back at our store.

Ryohei: Tsuna, I appreciate your to the extreme enjoyment a while ago. I shall go now because Kyoko told me to pick her up at the train station. Janne!!!

Uwaaaaah they all left me here with Kyoya T….T Oka-san I’m really scared T…..T Is my speech a while ago just a joke? I mean I really sacrificed everything for our Famiglia, but now I think I’m gonna die. T……….T I decided to just go but was halted.

Hibari: Where do you think you’re going?

Kami-sama Tasukete!!!!!


Lesson: Self-sacrifice XD Don’t be greedy. Do what you can for the team.

Haha gomen for not writing a cross-over of Kuroshitsuji  T…T Gomen. I haven’t read it because of my current addiction to K-On >//////< Waaaaah Yui cuteness overload >/////<

Readers wish me luck T..T Tomorrow, I'll be officially a college student >....< And I act like Yui of K-On T..T I hope I can survive it T..T

 Thanks for reading my scenarios and for voting. Sorry for the typos. God Bless ^_^

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