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This is what I am gonna tell you all about. It's a lot, but we will have fun...I promise.

Part 1: Changes

1.Crazee!2.Imagine3.Areas affected BIG TIME4.Not quite sure?5.No need to be scared J

Part 2: How your life will be affected

1.Life at home -> yay more play time2.What will we eat and drink?3.How will we travel?4.Life at work -> will be more! 5.Who will be in charge?6.Animals, plants, mountains, rivers and the sea7.The lives of those less fortunate8.Into space!9.Let's chat about Robots

Part 3: What you should do now

Our world in 30 years: The future is going to be AWESOMEBALLS! Let's get ready.Where stories live. Discover now