Chapter 2

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Wind was hitting my face. I opened my eyes and saw a big, black feathered wing. At first I thought I was being carried away by a huge vulture, but then I realized that instead if claws, arms were around me. It was then that I thought the angel of death had come for me. I remember asking him to give me another chance, that I don't want to die yet because I was to be married in a few weeks. The angel of death said nothing. After that, I passed out again.

When I regained consciousness I was in a hospital room. I saw my mother asleep on the chair beside me. I adjusted myself on the hospital bed. Mother woke up because of my sudden movement and smiled so brightly when she saw me conscious. I asked her about Chester and she said that he's fine and only had to get a few stitches on his head. Just as I was about to ask about my own injuries, the doctor came in.

He introduced himself as Dr. Frank Steiner, an orthopedic surgeon. For a moment I was tempted to ask if his middle initial was the letter N, just to ease a little of the tension. He told me he had good news and bad news. The good news what that I'll be able to go home next week. He hesitated for a few seconds so I had to ask what the bad news was. I couldn't believe the next words that came out of his mouth. Due to the severe damage my right leg received, he had no choice but to amputate it.

It took me a few seconds to process the words that came out of the doctors mouth. I took a hesitant peek under my sheets hoping the doctor was making a sick joke but just as he said, what was once my right leg has been reduced to a small bandaged stump. He told me that there was still a chance I could still walk if I agree to use prosthetic legs. I don't know what came over me but the thought of having a plastic leg didn't sit very well with me. I told him I didn't want to have a fake leg and that I'd rather sit on a wheelchair or walk with crutches. My mother tried to change my mind but my mind was made up, the doctor accepted my decision and told me that he'll be back later to check on my condition.

After he closed the door, tears started falling from my eyes. Mother once again asked if I was sure I didn't want a prosthetic leg and I said yes. After almost crying my eyes out, I wiped them and asked Mother where Chester was. She said she sent him home to rest. Apparently I was asleep for a week and Chester was by my side most of the time. Mother said he'll be back tomorrow so I better sleep and get some rest.

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