Chapter 1 - First Encounter

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An orange sunset started as Lucina sat under a cherry blossom tree viewing the beautiful scenery around her. It was the beginning of Spring, the time where flowers started to bloom after a long season of coldness. The trees swayed by a calm breeze bringing along some leaves with it. A few inches from her was a river. The river wasn't too deep nor was it shallow. Just a perfect foot to knee length. She leaned closer and saw her reflection as the water moved.

"I wonder how Cynthia did the task..." she muttered to herself.

"I hope she's alright? Always giving trouble to othe-" she paused as she was interrupted by a glowing light. At first she taught she was imagining things and didn't bother about it.

The light kept glowing and Lucina saw it again. This time she was assured she saw it with both her eyes but couldn't exactly found it as it blended with the rocks.

When the light glowed once again, Lucina quickly snatched it while her sleeve was soak in water. Once she got it, she wiped it by the hem of her shirt and dried it off. She held it higher to get a better view at it.

She was holding a beautiful pendant with an oval sapphire hemmed with diamond studs. Turning the pendant slowly, she looked at it cautiously. Suddenly a beam of light flashed in front of her. It made Lucina dropped it.

"Ouch, " she said, rubbing her eyes. "What the hell was that?"

Not knowing she had misplaced it, a sudden noise came from the Ylisse Forest. She got up quickly and shifted her eyes towards it. With a firm posture and one hand on her sword, Lucina stands firm for battle. All she needed to make was a perfect strategy before the enemy tackles her.

Lucina looked around and felt something odd. "Something's not right here" she muttered. The trees didn't move, so was the river. It was pure silence. Not even a single noise was made. Some leaves were floating in mid air and everything around her suddenly stopped. One conclusion which came to her mind.

Time had stop. And she didn't know why.

She turned around in a slow pace, carefully watching her surrounding. The sound came from the forest again. This time it was louder and she knew it was close by.

"Who's there? Show yourself !"she said aloud.

No respond. Still it was silent. Another sound came behind her. This time it was getting even closer. No sound was still made, until she heard a voice.

"Lucina... " it called out. That voice had been deep and it echoed through Lucina's mind.

Fighting against every instinct in her body, she found herself turning around. An impossibly large cloaked man stood in front of her. It was at least three heads taller, and four times the size of her in muscle.

Her jaw dropped as her gaze travelled from its feet to the head. Lucina tried hard enough to see the face, but was covered with the hood from the cloak. She couldn't stop staring at the man--creature, thing before her. Was he even a man at all?

Lucina stayed silent, didn't move an inch. Every part of her body screams to fight with him but her heart obliged it. She didn't know what to do, so she just followed her instincts. Running away.

She tried moving away but her body won't move. It's like she has been paralyzed from head to toe. The cloak man just stared at her, looking right into her soul. She could sense him grinning.

"Who are you..." her voice trembled.

The cloak man didn't respond. He kept quiet. "Answer my question !" Lucina said it firmly.

Finally he broke the silence. "I see darkness ahead of you.. be careful with the choices you make," he said. "May Naga watch over your soul Lucina...".

"What?" Lucina looked confused.

A hand slammed down on Lucina's shoulder from behind; she cried out and spun around to see Nah staring past her.

"Earth to Lucina!" She cried out. Nah was shorter than her by three inches and had the same hair cut since she was a child. She was holding a thick book probably about the 'History of Manakete'.

"Nah!" Lucina looked surprised.

"I called you like eleven times. What's wrong with you? " Nah asked. "And you look pale. Why do you look pale ?"

"I-I saw ..." Lucina turned around and saw the cloak man was nowhere to be seen.

"You're creeping me out you know?"

"You didn't saw the cloak man ..."

"What cloak man?" Nah asked surprisingly.

"But he was right here. Never mind..." Lucina shook her head.

"Oh, sure a cloak man..." Nah said sarcastically. "Anyway, Captain Flavia wants to speak with you. She said it's urgent,".

"Oh, very well..."

"We don't want to be late now are we?" Nah lead the way. Lucina glanced back once more. She was positive she saw him right in front of her.

"Well don't just stand there. Come on! " she said impatiently.

"Sorry..." Lucina apologized. She shook the thoughts from her mind and followed Nah home. Not knowing when they left, the pendant was still on the ground.


Any grammar errors or wrong sentences please tell me :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2014 ⏰

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