The Deal

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Alexis above ☝

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Alexis above ☝

Alexis P.O.V

This comment throw me off track completely. I was really confused, what was that supposed to mean?

I shook my head, bringing up my eyebrows, trying to figure out what he meant by that. Did he think I was afraid or something?


Anyways, I let that comment slide. It was time for math and I wasn't even worried because math was one of my many strengths. So, I walked to class like any normal, hot human being.

To my surprise  (nuh rlly) not even half the students were in the classroom. I was the sixth one in here and the last to leave spanish class. Where am from being late for class could get you suspended but here no one cared.

I sat in the seat at the back of the class near the window. It looked like a normal thing for the students to be 15 minutes late for math. For the teacher was well seated on her fat ass listening to music.

Earphone all inna har ears to backside.

I was starting to wonder if this school was really a school.

There was nothing left to do but wait on these stupid children. I mean, you all know math is a difficult subject, wouldn't you try to be on time for every class?

I had to be sitting here wasting my precious time waiting and waiting until I fell asleep.

Aiden's P.O.V

"Dude did you just touch her books?" Jay asked. My best friends and I were walking down the hallway talking about the weird encounter I had with 'The Black Girl'. She was beautiful though , with those light brown eyes.

I looked around on the girls that called after me, wearing ma infamous smirk and even winking at a few. This action always seems to make the sluts giggle, pushing up their breasts attempting to get noticed.

"Yeah Jay, I did."

Danny's eyes suddenly went wide. "But-t-t, she could have STDs or something." Danny was known around school for making some of the dumbest comments ever.

"Danny you can only get STDs from boning a bitch plus nothing is wrong with touching her. I just didn't expect Mr. Perfect here to do that. Seeing that his family are  against those people." Jay replied.

Danny placed his hand on his chin and looked as though he was contemplating on what he just heard. I chose to ignore Jay, he was right anyways. My father would flip if he found out about this.

Big Deal.

"Ewww that's so true." Danny finally said. "And who in their right minds would do that?"

This comment arose pleasure full imagery in my head, which caused me to bite my lips. She was sexy. "I don't think that anything is wrong with having a one night stand with a black bimbo." I told them.

I didn't want anything more from a girl than to get between her legs. So how could I for a coloured girl?

"Am going to the bathroom to wash my hands."

They were just staring at me as I walked away. Probably wondering why am gonna wash my hands. I knew that was the worst excuse seeing that they already know where am going.

"Go do what you do!" Jay shouted. Normally I didn't go to math class. I would hook up with Queen Bitch Mandy, but since she said nothing about it, I will do someone else.

I was getting tired of her anyways, I needed new meat.

My phone as been going off as usual with dirty texts, x -rated photos and more. I was scrolling through my phone when I saw a text from Mandy.

"Meet me at the janitor's closet xoxo.💋" 

You know how it feels to be boning the same girl almost everyday? She was no longer an entertainment. My thing went through her so many times, it felt like her hole got wider.

I opened the janitor's closet which revealed her face. I couldn't help but smile when I looked at her because her breasts were already on display. She seductively looked at me while grabbing my shirt collar and I pulled her legs around my waist.

I pushed her against the wall, putting my palm in her palm and rubbing my manhood against her vagina to which she moaned. I kissed her lips then she said.

"Looks like someone missed me."

Yeah rite!

We were there going about out business until she decided to open her mouth.
"What do you think about the black girl?" I froze and backed away from her. "What do you mean...?" I replied taking my phone out my pocket.

"I mean she's so bitchy and acts like she owns the world." Coming from her that meant alone. She made a disgusted face just thinking about her.

I smirked at the naked picture of one of my hoes.
That pu**y is fat!

"What's so amusing?" She sounded really annoyed. I didn't supply her with an answer. Why is she all up in ma business? She grabbed my phone and looked at it for herself.

She rolled her eyes. " You may fuck with these girls but you're mine." Can't she realize that I don't want her? How could I went all ma bros. slept with her? She ain't worth nothing.

This, 'you belong to me' is definitely not for me. "We are not together." She laughed very hard at what I had said. "You'll see that no one can or will take you away from me."

Before I could answer she continued. "And as for the black girl, we need to teach her a lesson that she shouldn't mess with the populars." She finished.

I thought about how she was behaving in spanish class. I didn't really have anything against her but she need to cool down.I licked my lips.

I already have the perfect punishment. She's fresh meat after all.

"So what will you do Mandy?" Her revenge are always so childish like putting strawberries in the smoothie of an allergic person. But it scar her victims all through out high school.

"I guess you mean what will we do."

"Whatever. Just do your part and I'll do mine."

"So that's a deal?" She asked holding out her hand.


Thank y'all so much💓💓💞💓💞💓💞

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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