Thank God for Reality TV (One-Shot)

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You finally found her. You finally found "the one." She's the person you've been waiting for all your life.

You first saw her in a reality show. It's your second time watching the show. Normally you don't go for reality shows because you certainly don't like drama. But everyone's talking about who and who and that they'll be joining the show, and of course you're just a little bit curious. So you watch it, and you see her, and you think whoa, she's cute. Your first impression of her is that she's the shy and quiet type but can sometimes be adventurous.

The first week of the show, you spent your time observing her. It sounds almost creepy but at least you don't stay up just to watch her sleep. Nothing much have changed but hey, it's just the first week after all. 

The second week you already have created fan pages and fan accounts to support her. By this time, you've already accepted the fact that you're just a fan and nothing more. Because you know that after this show, she'll be a celebrity and you're just a nobody in the sideline. But you continue to support her anyway.

The third week changed you completely. You know now that she can play the guitar and can sing.Well sh*t,that's exactly what attracts you to a person. So you tell yourself I'm gonna make her mine. You don't really care how you do it, as long as it's legal then you'll try everything just to get to her.

But there's just one problem. You say she's "the one" and that you've finally found her? Well guess what, the rest of the world finally found her too. The fan pages you created? Thousands of followers. Most of them talk about how in love they are with her. Plus some of them are pretty good looking. So there's that and the fact that she most probably would pick one of the others over you because you know just how much you suck at life.

So you go back to being the loser that you know you are. You become inactive in your fan pages and fan accounts. You barely watch the show anymore because you just find yourself getting jealous of all the people who get to be close to her. You're falling too deep and you don't like it. For the first time in your life, you fell for someone you've never met.

A month later, you still talk about her to your friends. You still write about her in your personal blog. You still save pictures of her and edit them into one. You still read updates every now and then. You just can't help it even though you know you'll end up laughing at yourself for even thinking that you had a chance.


Fast forward to five years later. You're twenty-three, a big-time CEO of the most talked-about company, living in a mansion all by yourself because your parents insist you get your own home incase you wanted to settle with someone you love and make a family. In reality, you don't have a love life. You're too busy for that.

Well until one sunny day, you're on a leave (for once, you give yourself some time to enjoy your luxury). Somebody rings your door bell. You're in the middle of eating a tub of ice cream while having a Harry Potter marathon. You really don't want to open the door but you figure it's probably something important because no one ever visits you (you live in the middle of f*cking nowhere, go figure).

The first thing that came to your mind when you opened the door is sh*t, I'm in trouble. Standing on your front porch is a tall man wearing a suit. You've seen this in movies. He's probably a member of a mafia or some sort. You were ready to slam the door and run for you life. That is, until a woman came out behind him and introduced herself. She sounds very professional and you wonder whether this is some sort of job offer.

A few minutes later you find yourself driving a distance away from your house. Apparently this Jean woman is a manager of some sort, maybe some company. Their car broke down and luckily the first person they found knows mechanical work. That unfortunate person is you.

So you spend half an hour working on their car when you notice there's actually somebody else inside the car aside from the manager and the tall man. You hear them laughing and this unnerves you because wow, you're working yourself to dehydration under the sun and they're just there chilling. You're thinking about ditching them but you just end up hating yourself for not being able to say no in the first place.

Another half an hour later, you're still not done. The person you don't know got out of the car a few minutes ago. You couldn't get a glimpse of her because you're too concentrated on this damn car. You got the tall man to get some extra car parts you got in your trunk. You hear Jean ask for how much longer this will take and you answer not much longer.

You're about to finish and you hear the distinct sound of a camera going off. You look to your right and you see her taking a selfie with you on the background. "Hashtag stranded, hashtag mechanic to the rescue," she says enthusiastically while turning to look at you with a smile. Is this girl for real? If you ever get stranded, you can't, for the life of you, ever think to post about it on instagram or some other social networking site.

You look at her properly for the first time after trying to wipe the grease off your hands. She looks eerily familiar. "Do I know you from somewhere?" You ask. She giggles and says nothing. You look at her weirdly and turn to Jean. She's holding back laughter and you feel stupid for not knowing who this girl is. "I'm Jasmine Lance, nice to meet you," she says while holding out her hand for you to shake.

And then it hits you like a ton of bricks. Her face, your feelings, the memories -- all of it at the same time. She's "the one" to your eighteen. The girl you fell in love with five years ago. You remember all of it, and you want to laugh at yourself, but something else is happening and before you know it, you’ve blurted out I love you while looking at her like you’ve seen a ghost (but in reality, you know it’s far from that).


You’re introducing her to your family first time today. You know they know her (because duh, she’s one of the hottest women on TV), but you do it anyway because it’s tradition and they’re your family, so of course you introduce the love of your life to them.

You’re kinda nervous for some reason, even though you know they’ll like her. The thing is, you’re not just introducing her today… You’re also gonna tell them you’re gonna get married in a year. You’ve been with Jasmine for 1 and a half year (technically you’ve known her for 3 years, but you only got together after a year and a half). Looking back to those 3 years, you can hardly believe it. The first time you said I love you to her, you know you weirded her out (like what kind of a creep are you?), but apparently people do that to her all the time. Plus, she actually liked you the first time she saw you so there’s nothing to worry about really. Except that after that encounter, you forgot to get her number, and 2 weeks later they came back just because she wanted to see you.

At first, you couldn’t believe it. You thought maybe she’s just really a kind person and didn’t want to leave you there like that after helping them with their car for almost 3 hours. Until a few hang outs later, she told you she likes you, like she likes like you in a not best friends kind of way. And so begins the happiest days of your life.

You’re glad you found her, really. Who knew that an eighteen-year-old loser like you could end up with everyone’s “dream girl” 8 years later? You didn’t really want to try online dating after years of being single, so thank God for reality TV.

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