Chapter 1

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I sat down in the little quaint wooden home my family occupied. I sat on my bed, looking out the window, the sun setting behind the crystal walls that shadowed over the Shenzen District. Then I heard a tapping, it was faint, but still very audible.

I looked at the corner of my window and saw rocks beginning to constantly hit it. I opened the window when a rock the size of my first hit me in the face. I fell flat on the floor, the dirty rock littering dust all over the floor.

I threw the rock out the window, landing straight onto whoever was beneath. "Don't make me come up there and kill you squirt." The person below threatened and I gulped, scared out of my mind. I peeked out the window, only to see the head of the Survey Corps, Taterz. It was her nickname from her obsession of tater tots.

I jumped out the window and Taterz caught me and put me on her shoulders. "So how was your recent trip?" I questioned her and all of a sudden I felt tension rising in the air. "The TSAR's killed half my entire team this time, they have much more titan shifters now." She explained, and I heard sniffles coming from her.

I was only 8, but I jumped off her shoulders and hugged her. She sat down on the ground by the lake and sat me on her lap. "What do you plan on doing once you grow up Alex?" She ruffled by long blue hair and I just stared into the lake.

"I want to protect Princess Alexa, she was the one that put me into your custody when my parents died, I want to repay the favor and protect her." I explained, tears beginning to fill my eyes. I was at the brink of crying, but I held it back.

"Your strong Alex, mentally and physically, you will make a great protector for Princess Alexa." Taterz whispered in my ear and she just lied down on the grass. I lied down on the grass as well, my head on her stomach, acting as a cushion.

Then I felt the ground rumble and 3 strikes of orange lightening struck outside of Wall Rosalina. The pure ruby wall stood strong, showing no signs of crashing down. That's when I noticed something. A titan was climbing the wall very fast.

"Taterz, the titan is CLIMBING THE WALL!" I screamed in terror and she just stared in shock and got up, activating her gear. "Alex, head for wall Alexa!" Taterz advised and shot off into the sky, disappearing in a matter of seconds.

"ALEX THIS WAY!" I turned around to see my 4 best friends, Daniel, Sasha, Yegzer and Sam. "You guys, let's run!" I commanded and we began running for Wall Alexa, but then I heard the sound of rumbling and the house beside us was destroyed as an Armored Titan ran straight into the row of houses in front of us.

We ran across the debris, but then I heard a scream come from Sasha. We turned around and I saw the armored titan holding Sasha. The titan held her to it's mouth and then threw her in, snapping it's jaw shut. "SASHA!" Sam screamed in terror and ran for the titan.

"Daniel, Yegzer, we can't do anything for those two, we need to run! There death's weren't in vain, they have bought us time!" I screamed and began running for the huge sapphire wall. Then the whole ground beneath began to shake and even the armored titan couldn't keep it's balance.

I looked a far and saw something that I thought I would never half to see. Wall Rosalina was crumbling and fast. 15 meter class titans were now able to jump in. "DANIEL YEGZER NOW!" I screamed and we ran the last couple hundred meters until we reached the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2014 ⏰

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