Chapter 2

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Alec woke to the soft sound of snoring. As always, he was the first to rise due to his training. He untangled himself from his boyfriend and went to the kitchen to make coffee. Alec loved coffee.

Alec drunk his coffee in record time and hobbled back to the bedroom to get changed. Surprisingly, Magnus wasn't there. He got up this early? Alec wondered. At 7:00am?

Magnus appeared at the doorway, his hair still wet from his shower, but fully dressed. Today's attire was a pair of tight tartan jeans and a baggy net jumper that had more holes than Alec's. But in a fashionable way, of course.

"You know what, darling," Magnus said chirpily. "I actually quite like getting up early. Here, I made you coffee."

Alec suppressed a laugh but drank the coffee. It was hideously sweet.

"So, today I have a big outing planned. In the park." Magnus announced.

"Yeah, the park sounds nice-"

"In Paris." Magnus finished.

Alec's mouth gaped open in shock. "Magnus! You can't just whisk us to Paris!" he spluttered.

Magnus frowned. "Why ever not?"

"Because- just because!" Alec stammered.

Magnus grinned cheekily. "What are you afraid of, Alec?"

Alec blushed madly. "I-uh..." he said. Magnus nodded, asking him to go on. "I can't speak French, okay?"

Magnus' eyes widened and he burst into laughter. "You.." another explosion of laughter. "You don't want to go..." More chuckling. "You don't want to go to Paris because you're afraid you..." Magnus was finding it difficult to breathe by now. "You won't understand?" more cackling from Magnus. Alec glared at him, and finally the laughing subsided.

"Oh, baby." Magnus said, pulling Alec into a hug. "Just because I'm more linguistically educated than you doesn't mean you have to be embarrassed." He said patronisingly.

Alec pulled away and let out a stream of angry curse words in Greek. Magnus chuckled and sighed. "Well, I'll admit I don't speak Greek. But I bet I would be offended."

Alec blushed. "If we were in Greece I probably would have been arrested for saying that." he mumbled.

"Oh dear Lord.."


Magnus finally persuaded Alec to go to Paris with him, and the ended up sitting on a rug in the park, with a bottle of champagne, looking up at the Eiffel Tower.

"Glad you came?" Magnus asked, taking a sip of his drink and holding on to Alec's hand with his free one.

Alec muttered something inaudible that sounded something like 'the day I'm right and you're wrong will be a miracle'.

Magnus put down his drink and lay back on the rug. Soon, Alec did the same with his glass and joined him. The two lay side by side in silence. Not an awkward silence, a silence that says 'I'm here if you need to talk, but if you don't, I'll stay here waiting with you until you do.'

It was Magnus who spoke. "Alec." he said, turning his head to gaze into his bright blue eyes.

"Yes?" Alec replied, doing the same.

"Have you ever thought about our future? What we're going to do for the rest of our lives?"

Alec frowned. "I- uh, no. I guess I haven't."

Magnus smiled sadly. "Okay, forget I said that." He broke the eye contact and sat up. Alec made a soft noise of surprise and sat up with him.

"What do you mean?" Alec asked.

"Don't worry about it, dear. It's fine." Magnus looked down at the rug; it suddenly became much more interesting.

"No, I want to talk. Why come up with this now?" Alec pushed.

Magnus sighed. "Well, I've been thinking. I just- we're not exactly allowed to get married, are we? And we can't have kids. I just don't know where this is going. And I want to talk about it."

"Is this a breakup?" Alec's heart was thudding.

"God, no! Alec I love you more than anything!" Magnus cried, obviously horrified at the thought of 'breaking up'.

Alec relaxed. "Then ok, we'll talk."

"You start." Magnus was looking at Alec closely, studying his perfect face.

"I don't care if we can't get married. We can still love each other, right? And as for children, well, I'm sure I'd make a terrible Dad."

Magnus became his normal self once again and grinned. "Yeah, I guess you're right. We don't need to marry to love each other. And as for the Dad thing, I totally agree. You'd be awful. You can hardly handle adults, god forbid children."

Alec blushed and hit Magnus playfully on the shoulder. However, being a Shadowhunter, it was harder than it was supposed to be.

"OW!" Magnus squawked, rubbing his shoulder in pain.

"Sorry, sorry!" Alec tried to soothe his boyfriend's shoulder better, but his hand got pushed away.

"No, no, it's fine." He said, smiling once again. "Although, that's gonna have one hell of a bruise tomorrow."

"I'm really sorry..." Alec mumbled, thinking about what a horrible boyfriend he was.

"Don't worry about it, seriously." Magnus repeated. "Honestly, you're going to be the death of me, Alexander Gideon Lightwood."

Hi again guys! Are you enjoying this fic? Please comment if you are! I didn't get the 10 reads but oh well xD how about 20 reads for next chappie?

Jess xoxox

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