Welcome, our little lamb

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It was time. Time to bring the little Todd into the world. When Nellie had told Sweeney that she was pregnant with their child, he was filled with so much joy and happiness.

He was going to be able to watch his little boy or girl grow up. He wouldn't be taken away by the damn judge Turpin,
Who was now dead. Thanks to him.

He was happily married to Nellie Lovett, who is now Nellie Todd. And now they were expecting their child.

He was sitting by his wife's side, holding her hand,
Trying his best to comfort her.

"Damnit sweeney you did this to me!!" She screamed before pushing when the doctor told her to. Sweeney couldn't help but chuckle as he gently moved her hair out of her sweaty face.

"You can do this my love. I know you can"

"Mrs. Todd you need to push again. Just a few more pushes." The doctor said reassuringly.

Nellie squeezed her husband's hand as she focused on her breathing, pushing once more. God it hurt so bad. She never expected childbirth to be this painful! But it would be worth it.

"J-Jesus get this bugger out of me!" Sweat covered her face as the doctor looked at her.

"Just one more push!"

Nellie let out a cry of pain as she pushed with all her might, instant relief filling her body when the baby slid out of her and into the doctor's arms. She fell back against the pillows, breathing heavily.

A loud child's cry filled the room, making sweeney and Nellie look at the doctor, who looked at them with a soft smile.

"It's a healthy baby girl."

A daughter. They had a daughter. A beautiful baby girl.

As the doctor went to go clean her up, sweeney kissed his wife's temple. "You did so well my love." He said as the doctor walked towards them, the baby wrapped up in a towel. He gently placed her in Nellie's arms.

Sweeney sat down beside them, wrapping an arm around his wife's shoulders.

Feeling the warmth of her new mother, the baby slowly calmed down, hiccuping. Nellie had happy tears pouring down her cheeks as she looked at their newborn daughter.

Sweeney gently moved some of the towel away from her face, getting a better look at her features.

Suddenly, his eyes started to water. Never in a million years had he cried. But he couldn't believe that he had another daughter. Johanna, he would never see again. But now, he had another little girl. He was going to protect her with his life. He loved both his girls.

The baby girl's tiny hand gripped his index finger, making his heart melt.

"You're so beautiful..." he whispered, a tear falling down his cheek, which Nellie noticed.

"Are you alright dear?" 

He looked at her and smiled through tears. "I know I haven't cried in a long time. But I can't believe we have a beautiful little girl. I will protect her and you with my life."

He kissed her forehead, making her smile. "Would you like to hold her love?" She asked. He nodded his head.

He gently took her in his arms, supporting her back and her head. The baby girl cooed, her little hand still holding his finger.

The baby then slowly opened her eyes, revealing gorgeous blue eyes.

He looked into her blue eyes as he held her carefully.

"Melanie..." he whispered to himself. Then it hit him. What if they named her Melanie?

He looked at Nellie. "What if we named her Melanie?" He asked, making Nellie rest her head against his shoulder. "That sounds perfect my love." She said before yawning tiredly. Childbirth was so exhausting.

Sweeney noticed how tired she was and kissed her forehead. "Get some rest pet. I'll watch over her."

Nellie sighed in content. "I'll feed her in a little bit. I love you." She whispered, before she drifted off to sleep in his arms. She was going to be sore for a little bit.

Sweeney smiled softly. "I love you too darling."

He looked down at melanie, gently stroking her tiny cheek with the back of his index finger. "And i love you my little lamb. We will protect you and love you forever."

He held her close before his eyes fluttered to a close and he let sleep overtake him. Him and Nellie were going to protect their family.

No matter what.

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