Hair love

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Imagine- Sweeney does Melanie's hair

Sweeney was shaving one of his customers, and he was just about done. This customer was actually one of his regulars as well. Very nice man, about 30 years old, tall, and very handsome. He had been working on this customer for about 10 minutes, which is pretty fast for a barber.

But Sweeney Todd was the best known barber out of all the barbers of Fleet Street. Hell, he was the best barber in all of London.

The man sitting in the chair waited patiently, his head slightly tilted back with his arms resting on the armrests, the white sheet over his body. Once Sweeney was done, Sweeney handed the man a mirror and the man checked out his face, which looked perfect.

"Splendid Mr. Todd! You never cease to amaze me with how quick you are, and the fact that you get the job done." He said as he handed the mirror back to Sweeney, who just gave a nod, setting it down. He then took off the sheet, the man standing up and straightening up his vest.

"My pleasure, sir. That'll be 5 pounds. (I really don't know how much it cost back then so don't come after me LOL)

The man smiled in response before reaching into his coat pocket, pulling out a little bag and pulling out 5 pounds. He handed it to Sweeney, who took it graciously, putting it into his pocket. The man grabbed his coat and top hat, putting them both on.

"You have a very nice day, Mr. Todd. I'll see you same next week." He said with a tip of his hat before leaving the shop. Sweeney glanced at the door, before beginning to clean his razor. Even though Sweeney liked his job, he didn't really like people. He didn't hate them, just didn't really care for him.

except the judge. But he's dead now, thanks to him. He did promise his daughter that he would be as respectful as he could to his customers and people that walked by him.

Speaking of his daughter, even though he is a barber that mainly works on men, he's thought about doing Melanie's hair. He's done nellies hair once or twice, but he's never worked on his daughters hair.

And you know what? Today was going to change that. After he finished cleaning his razor, he set it down in the box that held the other razors before walking to the door. As he was about to open it, Melanie knocked on it, seeing Sweeney in the window.

"Daddy? Can I come in?" She asked and he stood there a moment, nodding. The door opened and she walked in, wearing a black dress with red trimmings and black fingerless gloves.

She smiled, kissing Sweeney's cheek, which made him smile. Even though he didn't like most people, the only people that made him happy were his wife Nellie and his daughter. They were his everything and he would do anything for them.

Melanie walked towards the big window, crossing her arms behind her back and looking out, watching people walk and carriages being drawn by horses.

"So Melanie, I was thinking..." he started to say, placing a hand on her shoulder. She turned her head to look at him, a soft smile on her face.

"I know barbers usually work on men, but how would you like it if I styled your hair?" He asked and her smile brightened. She had always wanted her dad to do her hair!

"Oh my gosh! I would absolutely love that!" She said excitedly but then she froze. She knew her father had killed people before but he promised he would stop, for her sake.

"Wait, do I have to sit in that death trap of a chair? You won't kill me will you?" She asked, teasingly, but with a little bit of nervousness in her voice. She knew her father would never hurt her in any way.

Sweeney shook his head, placing his hands on her shoulders. "My sweet lamb, you have nothing to worry about. I actually switched back to the normal chair that I used to have. I made a promise that I would not kill anybody anymore, even if I seriously hated them. And I take that promise seriously." He said before placing a kiss on her forehead.

She breathed a sigh of relief before he led her to the chair and she sat down. He grabbed a bottle of hair moisturizer and put some in his hands before starting to run it through her hair so it would be easier to comb through.

"Now, I'm not going to cut your hair because I do like the length. So how do you want me to style it?" He asked and Melanie thought for a moment. She knew her father was very skillful when it came to being a barber.

"Surprise me." She said and Sweeney chuckled. "Okay. But don't kill me if you don't like it," he teased and Melanie giggled.

After running the moisturizer through her hair, he grabbed a comb and started combing it. Her hair was long, about to the middle of her back and it was naturally straight. Her hair did make him think of his first wife, Lucy, who he accidentally ended up killing. He still hated himself for what he did, but he knew that she was in heaven, looking down at him.

And he did miss his oldest daughter, Johanna, who he may never see again. But he knew that Anthony was a good man and he would protect her and cherish her.

And Melanie knows she has a sister. She's never met her, mainly because Johanna and Anthony moved out of England. She would see her someday. Melanie knows Sweeney's backstory and Sweeney thought she would hate him after telling her. But she didn't, not one bit.

"How's work been today, papa?" She asked as sweeney finished combing her hair. He brought most of her hair back, leaving a couple strands and he started to French braid her hair.

"It's been okay, darling. Not a whole lot of customers. But the one before my last one that I did, he talked the entire time. I mean, the entire time. I wanted to jump out the window, Melanie, I really did."

Most people think Sweeney is a quiet, cold, recluse. But when he is around Nellie or Melanie, he was a completely different person. He was the biggest dork and they were the only people that saw this side.

Melanie chuckled as she closed her eyes, listening to what Sweeney was saying. "I know people can be annoying at times, papa. But remember what I told you. Just be as professional as you can and then when you leave, you can relax because they're gone."

It didn't take long for Sweeney to French braid her beautiful, yellow hair. Within a few minutes, he clipped her braid, then walked towards the vanity in the corner of the barber shop. He pulled out a black case and opened it. Inside was a silver flower barrette, and it was simple but beautiful. He walked back to Melanie and placed her braid over her shoulder before putting the clip in her hair.

"All done. Go and take a look." He said simply and she stood up from the chair, making her way to the vanity. She gasped in awe as she gently touched her braid, a bright smile curling on her face.

"Oh my gosh, I absolutely love it!" She said happily before she rushed towards her dad and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. He stumbled a bit, but chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.

"I'm so glad you like it, my turtle dove." He said before kissing her forehead. She looked up at him, her blue eyes glimmering with happiness. "I'm gonna go show mom! Thank you so much daddy, and I love you!" She said and before Sweeney could say another, she quickly kissed his cheek before running out the door and down the steps.

Sweeney stood there, staring at the door, with a smile still plastered on his face. Seeing how excited she got when he did her hair, even when it was something so simple, he felt his heart fill with so much more love for his daughter.

He would do anything to make his daughter happy.

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