The Chocolate Room

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Today was the day you and charlie were going to see Mr. Wonka. You and Charlie got up at 9 a. m like you always do and got ready to leave for your big day. By the time you talked to your family and said good morning it was 9:40. since you lived right down the road from the factory it wasn't going to take long to get there. 

" We gotta leave mum, bye see you later" you said while walking towards the door. 

" goodbye, have a nice time you two." Mum said while waving good bye. 

You and charlie arrived ticket in hand so you could get to the front easier.  I was hard because there was a crowd of people just waiting for the gates to open. 

" Open the gates. " someone said on the loud speaker

"come in." The voice said again.  Everyone walked in a few steps then stopped.  

"Closer." he said.

Everyone kept walking till we got to the stage. Then a puppet show presentation with singing and dance talking about Mr. Wonka the great chocolatier. Near the end all the puppets started to spark and they caught on fire. A throne came up but no one was sitting on it. 

" wasn't that great!" someone said while clapping their hands next to me. 

" I was starting to think that the middle part was kinda iffy but then that finally!" The man said next to me while he starts to walk upfront. 

" Good morning star-shine... The Earth says hello" the man said a bit nervous. I just smiled giving him some time. he appreciated that, you can see it in his eyes. Then he pulls out some q-cards that he had made before hand. 

(A/N: This is the part in the story where i start to refer to you as I so i guess you could just say its in your P.O.V )

" Hello, my name Willy Wonka and welcome to my factory" Mr. Wonka said nervously. I just smiled again. i honestly think its really cute. Charlie had noticed this to and smiled to himself.

" Come along, so much to see so little time." he said leading the way through the burning dolls as we follow him trying to to get caught on fire.

" Just throw your coats anywhere. " he instructed us. Me and charlie hung up our coats on one of the poles which made him smile. As we continued to walk down the hall a little girl ran up and hugged Mr. Wonka.

" Hello Mr. Wonka, my name is Violet Beaurgarde." The little girl had said. Obviously making Mr. Wonka feel uncomfortable. 

" I don't care" Mr. Wonka had said in reply which made me smile because what she did bugged me, though i don't really know why. We continued to walk closer to the door until...

" Hello Mr. Wonka, My name is Veruca Salt"  The little girl introduced herself with a curtsy. Mr. Wonka made a really smart reply to her. 

" I always thought that a Veruca was a wart you would get on you foot. hehe" he said again trying to take a step forward to get closer to the door. God where are these kids manners. 

" Hello, i'm Agustus Gloop, I love your chocolate" Agustus had said stepping in front of Mr. Wonka and Veruca. Mr. Wonka has started to walk forward again until he turned around.

" And your Mike Teavee, your the little devil that cracked my system" he said looking at Mike and his father, then he turned and looked at us. It seemed like he made eye contact with me buit i dont know. 

" and you, your just lucky to be here" he said. 

" and the rest of you must be there p-p-.." he shuddered.

Willy Wonka x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now