Brave Souls By: Cozi Zuehlsdorff

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Btw...This is my ALL TIME FAVORITE SONG!!!!!


I'm up with the sunrise today

Searching for the perfect words to say.

Lingering goodbyes,

But we both know it's time to fly!

Horizons are calling to us

Distance is quieted by trust

Torn apart by miles

Held together by each other's smiles.

We've passed with flying colors

Time to turn our thinking forward

Feel the soft spray of the ocean

As we turn our faces toward it

Our stories make us stronger

And I know we can afford it

Don't ignore it; let it pull you closer and closer!

All aboard, brave souls

All aboard, brave souls

All aboard, brave souls

We move on!

But we never forget!

Every night I say a little prayer

You find just what you're looking for out there

I know it feels so dark

But it's the only time you'll ever see the stars!

And as you pass with flying colors

Time to let your feet move forward

Feel the sunshine like a promise

As you turn your face toward it

Tell the stories of our time

And the truth down to the core

You can't ignore it

Let it pull you closer and closer!

All aboard, brave souls

All aboard, brave souls

All aboard, brave souls

We move on!

And I will never forget what we paid

I'll never forget what we've saved

And I'll never forget what you gave!

All aboard, brave souls

All aboard, brave souls

All aboard, brave souls

We move on!

So All aboard, brave souls

All aboard, brave souls

All aboard, brave souls

We move on!

We move on!

We move on

But we never, never forget!

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