Is it really her?

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I was walking down the hallway then I see this girl, I recognized her but I couldn't think of her name. I had seen a lot of girls but none like her! I fell like I have been to heaven and back!
she was beautiful! Light brown hair with blue and greens and brown in her eyes I was like putty in her hands. I looked at her and she looked at me, we both looked away blushing. She has 3 people around her, a girl with light brown hair and blue streaks and green eyes! Wait. Is that Heather? I look closer and see that it is indeed Heather!!! We make eye contact and then I walked over to say hi. She said hi and gave me a hug, the girl that I recognised was standing next to her looking down at the floor. To me it's so cute when girls do that! It drives me crazy, she looked at me again and then  looked down to the floor again. From then I can tell that she is the shy type. Anyway I think that shy girls are the best type for me. Then Heather introduced me to this girl, she said that her name was Y/N. Y/N I recognized the name, wait was this the Y/N that I met when I was 10? I look at her again trying to figure out if it really was her. Then it finally clicked it was Y/N! I met her when I was 10, she was the same age as me. That's the day that I fell in love for the first time.
Me and my family would often go to Ireland on the eastern coast, for our holiday once a year, and then I met this girl and her family. The first time that I met her I fell in love, she was the first girl that I fell in love with and still is to this day. Every day we use to hang out and go for long walks along the coast. She was my first best friend, my first true love my first everything.Then one day she come over to where I was staying and said that she had to go. That was the day that my world came crushing down all around me as I watched helplessly, she gave me her number and a key ring with a photo of us both smiling.
In the photo we are both ten and we are grinning like idiots but we didn't care back then. The other day I found it, and it bought back all the memory's of this girl and myself. I look back up at her and then it finally clicks, that is the girl that I met on holiday. I want to say something to her! Anything! But nothing comes out. I'm so shocked by how long it has been since I have seen my first crush. This is the day that I have been waiting for, the suspense was killing me! What would I say to her?! Do I say "hey remember me from when we were younger?" All these things are running though my mind and now I just look like a stuttering idiot. She noticed this and laughed. Her smile it was something that made me go bright red! Oh no, the embarrassment kicks in. Just great. When I finally find the right words to say to her I do. It felt like it took me a lifetime but it was done. I am finally able to breath and relax. Ughh why does these bad things always happen to me?! I can't believe it! I am speechless, I feel like my brain has blanked over. Breathe. I look back up at her and then the memory's all come rushing back to me, all the hours that we spend sitting on the beach talking endlessly about our love for YouTube and how when we are older we would both go pax together. I miss the good old days. When I finally get back to the real world I can see that Heather is grinning at me and Y/N. I have this strange feeling that she knows something that I don't. I do notice something has changed about this girl, her eyes seem to be looking at me, she looked shocked, or as if she had suddenly remembered something. She said to me "Hey I just need to talk with Heather and Alisa quickly we will be back." I look at them confused but I just say "no-worries take your time!" Phew this gives me a while to get over the fact that I have finally been able to see Y/N! It had been so long, but it was worth the wait.

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