Ragini forwards the plate again, Lakshya shakes his head negatively, not wanting to eat.

Ragini pleads him with her eyes and expressions. He looks away with his head down. She then takes a seat besides him, picking the plate and forwarding a morsel near his mouth.

He lifts his gazes and joins it with hers, sensing her tension regarding it. He leans forward and eats the morsel. Ragini continues feeding him with moist eyes.

Navya smiles and it shifts to the flashback.

Navya couldn't help but to call Ragini and she did, telling her about the loss of 8 Lakhs.

Ragini was shocked and worried when Navya had told her about him being depressed.

She disconnected the call and then got off from her bed. She locks her door from the inside and walks towards her window.

'Come on Ragini, you can do this.' She says to herself in her mind and holds on to the pipe, climbing down.

She had fell down from the last few steps of the pipe and injured herself. But she didn't care, she stood up and rushed towards Navya's house which was 10 minutes away from her house.

Their eyes lock and Lakshya didn't realise when he had finished the whole food.

Ragini places the plate down and looks at him, her eyes had many questions for him. She shakes her head negatively and he understood that she knows about the challenge.

"I won't back off Ragini. My love deserves a chance to make it's identity right?" His response formed tears in her eyes and she looks at him. "So what if I lost this time? I will definitely win."

Their eyes lock again, he feels bad seeing her tears as they roll down.

He wipes them, shaking his head, indicating her not to cry. She looks at him with sad expressions, her eyes won't stop watering. Why is he doing so much for her, why does he love her so much.

Ragini quickly types something on her phone, confusing Lakshya, she then shows him and he heads of.

'Why do you love me? I'm not worth you Lakshya. You can find someone better than me, please stop all this, it's not worth it. I don't want to see you struggle because of me.'

Lakshya looks up at her "I haven't loved you to stop. Yes, I can find someone better than you but not you Ragini. Will I be able to find another Ragini? This struggle is to prove my love to you Daadi and give it a name and it's worth more than my own life."

Ragini places her hand on Lakshya's mouth, stopping him from speaking further as tears fall out of her eyes. She would never want him to risk his life.

He pulls it down. "I deserve a chance to prove myself and I promise to never let this tears fall out ever again." He utters, wiping her tears again and then cupping her face, bringing his lips closer to her forehead. She closes her eyes as she feels his lips on her forehead.

A weird feeling woke inside her, some shivers had been triggered and she felt the love in his warm soft peck.

Navya walks away, finally giving them privacy as she chirps "They're so cute."

RagLak - Kuch Uss Tarah [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now