An interview with the Crazy girl

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4. What inspired you to write ? Not whom what?

Well I love to write a lot.. If I get a piece of paper n pen.. I will write something.. My teachers always says me that you have a best handwriting which will earn you more marks even if you didn't study too..

I just write my name in different style when I feel bored... I am always a dreamer.. I imagine many a things crazily how it would be if it happens in real...

Three years back I got to know about ffs and I started to read a lot.. Sometimes my hands itched to pen down something but I created a big wall not to open up..

I am a person who hates failure always.. I never stop myself till I get succeeded.. I am a short tempered person and I was questioning me what will I do if I get any negative criticisms and I know very well that i will lash them mercilessly...

I was questioning myself whether can I handle everything elegantly.. but the crazy girl in me keeps on nagging me to write..

I built a big wall before me not to come out from my shell.. But watty is the first site in which I logged in as a member.. That's all.. my wall collapsed completely..

I started to write.. never Iv imagined that I will write these many stories and I have never expected that these many people love, support n encourage me and my stories..

(Oh😮😮😮 Thanks to the crazy girl in you then. She gave us our CM 🤗🤗)


5. Who supports you more? readers? Or the reader in you?

The first support to the crazy girl is mahii and for mahii its crazy always.. Then comes my pillar of strength.. whom i wont term them as my readers or fans.. I always call them as my buddies as they support me in all my ups and downs...

My sincere voting buddies are like my support system.. Well my buddies who gives their feedbacks in the form of comments is like a boosting energy for me...

Never to forget the stubborn and adamant silent readers.. Though they never wish to vote or comment in my stories, at least they have a place for me in their heart to read what iv return...

(We will always support you CM , no worries. Silent readers hope you ppl will break your silence and cast some votes 🌟 and comments ⌨️)


6. If you are given a chance to get into one of the books written by your fellow authors which book would you choose (kkb)?

I am a person who loves mystery, thrill n suspense always.. when people love romance, I always choose action.. I want to jump into three stories.. first is mona's Live_Till_It_Hurts 'IC'... I want to fight n kick the baddies..

Then i will choose 'Warrior Princess' which is an inspiration to write my royal unbelievable wedding story.. I just want to be a warrior princess by @Prathi1412 😊😊😊

(Yo Mona darling Live_Till_It_Hurts saw what she said?? 😎 And Thank you CM 😍😍)


7. If you are given a chance to get into one of your own books which one would you choose ?

Of course its my story 'Loving husband'.. 😊😊😊😊.. I just imagine my
soul mate in the place of LH abhi n myself in the place of pragya... 😊😊😊😊...

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