4 Chapter. Potions

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 I entered the Potions classroom and sat in the same seat I did the previous potion lesson, which was in the last row and in the furthermost corner of the room, because I didn't enjoy when people stared at me working. Soon other students piled in too. The teacher appeared few minutes later.

“Hello class, as you all must know I'm Horacius Slughorn. I'm not going to tire you with useless talks and will get straight to the fun part – potion brewing. So can anyone tell me what potion do I have here?” he asked gesturing on a cauldron put on his table. I instantly knew the answer just by glance but didn't bother to answer – professor already knew that I know. So other students raised their hands, Tom being one of them.

“Tom?” Professor let him answer the question

“It is a Fire Protection Potion also known as Ice Potion. It is a potion used to move through flames unscathed. When drunk, it induces a sensation of ice and frigidity in the drinker, and provides protection from most magical fires.” Riddle answered without much emotions on his face but he had a sign of arrogant smirk on his lips which Slughorn and the rest of the class was obvious to.

“Correct, Tom. Five points to Slytherin. So, as Tom said, it's Ice Potion and it will be the potion we are going to brew today. For the task I'm going to assign pairs.” I zoned out from that point till my name was called.

“Miss Burke, I know that you are perfectly capable to brew this potion all by yourself but I have to pair you because of the even number of students, so you will make a perfect pair together with Mr. Riddle” I glanced at Tom, whose eyes instantly met my black and green ones. I guess, he expected me to come and sit next to him so we could start working, but I had no intentions of going to the first row and I was not one of those people who gave up easily, so I just calmly continued sitting in my seat.

After a few minutes seeing that I'm not going to give up and others already started brewing their potions, Tom gathered his things and slowly walked to my seat. He looked really annoyed with all this and was glaring at me quite openly. But it didn't bother me at all. Actually all of it only brightened me up.

“You know it's rude to glare” I said to him as he slumped in the seat next to me. His glare only deepened and I chuckled silently at that.

“You go get the ingredients and I will set up the cauldron” he commanded still glaring. I grinned to myself. This was fun.

“Nope” I said popping the 'p'.

“What did you say?” he asked with a menacing tone

“I said no. You do it and I will set the cauldron” after these words left my mouth he quickly grabbed my arm and squeezed it painfully

“Listen here girl don't play with me, cause you will greatly regret it” he hissed to me in a low voice so no one, except me, would hear. My grin only widened although I must admit my hand was already becoming numb.

“And what will you do? Humiliate me in front of all school? Poison me? Hex me in my sleep? Get your underlings to beat the shit out of me?” I asked in a taunting voice. but kept it as low as his. He dig his nails deeper in my skin, but I resisted to let out a hiss of pain.

“Yes, I will do all those things to you till you will run away shouting for your mommy”

“Sorry, dear, that's not going to work. You see I don't give two shits that other think about me. I will sniff poison two meters radius around me. You can't hex me in my sleep, because you will never get in my room, because of the spell forbidding boys to enter girls dorms and even if you try to bribe one of my roommates, you won't succeed, because they are my friends and those who aren't know better than to mess with me. ”I said smirking and daring him with my eyes. He was about to say something else, but professor came to our table:

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