
"Yeah, Jack Avery." The curly headed boy said. 

We made eye contact and he smirked.

I could see some girls in the class eyeing him, making googly eyes and probably drooling over how good looking he is. 

I could tell Brandon was pissed that Jack was here, probably because all of the girls are staring at Jack in awe instead of him.

"We have an extra seat in the back next to Skylar. Ms. Lancaster put your hand up so he knows who you are. Help him get settled in, maybe even show him around the school if needed." Mr. Vick said.

I nodded and put my hand up, even though Jack knows who I am.

Jack walked to the back and took the seat to my left.

"Funny to run into you again Skylar." Jack whispered to me smiling.

"Haha very funny noodles." I whispered back looking at his hair.

Seriously? Noodles? Utter fail.

"Huh noodles. That's all you got?"

"Shh noodles, I'm trying to learn here." I giggled.

"Alright Sky."

"Sky?" I turned my head to him.

"You gave me a nickname so I gave you one back" He winked.

Hmm.... I mean sometimes people called me Sky but it never stuck, but I had a feeling this time it would.

For the rest of class I was so distracted by Jack. He wasn't even really talking to me for the rest of it, he was actually paying attention to the teacher and taking notes. All throughout class, all the girls were staring at him.... along with me, but I mean I did it discreetly. 

God he's gorgeous.

A piece of art.


"Homework is pg 134 which is due next class! Have a good day guys!" Mr. Vick said.

Brandon packed up his backpack and turned around to talk to me.

"Hey sugar, yesterday was fun. What are you doing this weekend?" Brandon asked.

I could tell he was trying to make Jack jealous. 

"What do you have in mind?" I asked.

"I'm having a party Saturday night at my place. I'd love it if you showed up." Brandon said and winked.

"Thanks, I'll see if I can Brandon."

"Sky, we should get going to lunch." Jack said.

Well this isn't awkward whatsoever...

"Sky? It's Skylar... Josh." Brandon said as his friends came walking over.

"Well I call her Sky. Bye... JoSh." Jack said mocking him.

Jack grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the classroom with him.

"Sorry about that, I promise I'm not normally like that. It's just that, that guy bugs the shit out of me and I don't trust him." Jack says still holding onto my hand.

I couldn't get any words out of my mouth, I was still trying to process everything that just happened.

"It's okay Noddles." That was all I managed to get out.

"Do you have lunch right now?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"Uhm, yeah I do actually, we can go grab something." I smiled.

"Sounds perfect."

We walked out of the school and into the parking lot till we got to Jack's car. We decided to go to Chick-Fil-A. 

Since we got back 5 minutes early, we just sat in car and chatted.

"So how's your little brother?" I asked.

Jack laughed. His smiles adorable.

"I don't have any brothers." He said still laughing.

"Wait what? Then who was the kid that was with you when I spilled my drink all over you?" 

"Oh Zach? He's not my brother." He chuckled. "Well, not biologically, we're bandmates."

"Ohhhh. Wait, you're in a band?"

"Yeah, we're called Why Don't We."


"You've never heard of us before." He laughed looking at me.

"Well... yeah, I haven't." I giggled.

"Well that makes more sense of how you didn't recognize me when we rammed into each other." He said laughing.

"Guess so." I laughed. "So Zach is your bandmate, how old is he, like 12?"

Jack started laughing even harder.

"He's 16."

We both started laughing hard. 

When we finally calmed down I asked

"So how many others are there in the band?"

"Here I'll give you the rundown. There's Jonah & Corbyn. They are the oldest of all of us. Then there's Daniel and Me, both of us are 18. And then there's Zach, he's the baby of the group."

"Ohh cool, so do Daniel and Zach go here with you?"

"Yeah they actually do. We're all transfer students starting today. We moved into a house yesterday."

"Oh I totally ruined your first day in the city by ramming into you and spilling my smoothie all over you! I'm so sorry!"

"No, no, no. You made it 100 times better." He smiled with his teeth showing.


Since we were in the car, the bell sounded softer.

"We should probably go." I said.

"Yeah we should." Jack said, not breaking eye contact with me.


edited: 7.25.18

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