Chapter II

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Running through my mind again, were the thoughts of the curly haired heartthrob. It was as if his piercing emerald eyes had left gaping holes in the back of my mind, all I could do was think of him.

And to think that I had only seen him personally for around five minutes, doesn't help. I shifted a little on the sofa to get into a more comfortable position before I heard someone tapping lightly on the wooden door.

Slightly groaning, I hauled myself up and made my way towards the door. Putting the key in gently, I peered through the small opening and noticed it was Summer, my roommate and best friend.

"Why are you knocking, you live here too?" I questioned, giggling slightly, whilst pulling my jumper closer to me as I felt the cool breeze floating through the open door.

"I might have maybe left my keys here again" She admitted, pouting slightly.

I groaned."You are so useless sometimes," I teased, her bottom lip jutting as she creased her forehead."You know I'm joking, I love you really"

She chuckled at our friendly banter and hopped over the kitchen. She went straight to the fridge and grabbed as many food items as she could grasp in her cradling arms.

I lightly chuckled as I watched her go through her somewhat daily routine. Without even glancing at me she skipped over to the living room. I followed her and we both fell back on to the plush sofa. I watched as she tightened her grip around the lid of a Pepsi bottle and once the fizzing sound was heard, she opened her mouth to start talking. "How was your day, any news on your mum?" She questioned, my mum was like her mum too, she was constantly worrying about her and vice-verca, it was cute.

"No, she still hasn't responded to any of the treatment," I frowned slightly, "Oh and I met Harry Styles today." My voice didn't show any enthusiasm but Summer had a smile plastered on her face.

"Really? He's the cute, curly one from that band, One Direction, right?"

I nodded, opening a packet of mini doughnuts. "What was he like?"

"He's an asshole." I answered without hesitation.

Summer held her doughnut up in midair as she looked at me, utterly confused. "Explain?"

"No," I mumbled, she glared at me, "Fine, did you know that he's claustrophobic?"

She thought for the moment before replying. "Yep, I heard something about him having a huge anxiety attack at a concert a few weeks ago."

"Yeah, well we were in a lift and all of a sudden, the lights went off and the lift stopped, I was literally shitting myself," I told her whilst she listened intently, "I tried to comfort him and steady his breathing. When the lift started again, he just left, he didn't even say thanks."

"Well, that's rude."

I gave her a look, which basically read, that really didn't help.

She tried again, "Did you say anything to him before, like try to flirt with him or something?"

"Of course not Summer! He's probably already got a girlfriend. But he did snap at me before when I asked him why he was at the hospital." I admitted.

"That's probably why Char, he's probably stressed, don't worry, you probably won't ever see him again, don't get worked up." She smiled comfortingly.

"True, anyway do you want to go out for dinner later at Pizza Express?" I asked her, "I can't be bothered to cook"

"Sure, be ready by seven, Zack wants me to come to his place and meet his cousins or some shit."

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