Start from the beginning

Murmurs of disbelieve erupted around the hall, questioning gazes were directed to the girl. One of the senators - who had either nerves of steel or is just really, really stupid , asked aloud.

" How can we trust the future of science on the hands of a teenage girl ?"

T'Challa looked as if he was going to loose his composure and lunge at the man - but the girl burst out laughing. It might have even looked hysterical, as she was nearly doubling over.

Something close to admiration and surprise glinted in his eyes, and before he knows it, Brian Reynolds was falling.

Falling for a princess of a nation far more sophisticated than anything the world has seen, for a teenager with the mind of a scientist -

For Shuri Udaku.

It all went downhill from there.

By Tuesday he knew almost everything about the girl. From the interviews he had saved in his phone, to the articles that crowded his webpage.

He hadn't realized that he was stalking her until he reached the very end of a NatGeo article, his thumb hovering above the phone screen that illuminated the 2 am shadows of his room.

His hamster - ( " You're naming it Crookshanks ? That's wonderful name Brian, but isn't it a bit hard to spell?") staring at him accusingly with it's beady eyes from its cage across the room.

By Wednesday he decided to write letters to her.

The idea came spontaneously that night, when he had been lying awake in bed with 'The Sorcerer's Stone' tucked snugly under his arm - long forgotten as he stared at the sheet of blank paper laying across his desk.

He had been thinking about sending her an email, for it was provided on the International Wakanda Research Center in Oakley's Website.

But then again, she wouldn't probably answer them personally. She was a princess, and she probably had people answering the pesky inquiries of foreigners - he couldn't imagine what a headache it would be to constantly get such messages.

His mind wandered to her phone number, unfortunately it wasn't displayed anywhere so far as he was concerned.

So there he was, perched upon his chair with a pen between his fingers. People usually hesitate in writing letters, but for Brian, the words almost poured out of his pen like a fountain, strung together perfectly in cursive.

He had so many things to say to her, so many praises to give her. From how brilliant her ideas were to how ravishing she looked in every picture.

By the time he reached the bottom right corner of his paper, with no more space to write on, it was safe to say that the paper had been too - ( how shall he put it ? )personal, to simply give.

Scarlet bloomed across his cheeks at the number of times he complimented her, and half of the content was full of flattery that was enough to make her send the Dora Milaje and Black Panther to his door.

He didn't want to come off as some creep, or God forbids her to think that he was some kind of stalker.

So Brian Reynolds pulled out the box he kept inside his closet, and he dumped the piles of socks onto the carpet, before gingerly placing the letter at the center.

He never planned to write more, but then again things never really did go as planned in his life.

As the days bled into weeks and eventually months, the single letter turned into a mountain of crisp white envelopes. They whispered amongst each other as they hide under the drawers, each telling their own version of how Brian's day went.

It does get lonely, the boy thinks, to write letters to someone he knows would never receive them.

That was until the school announced that they would be taking a field trip to the International Wakanda Research Center in Oakland, and Brian Reynolds nearly fell off his seat.


Here's the first chapter ! I'm sorry if it isn't that good, or if I make some errors Please leave your thoughts and comments, they're highly appreciated !

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Here's the first chapter ! I'm sorry if it isn't that good, or if I make some errors
Please leave your thoughts and comments, they're highly appreciated !

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