An Imperial Affliction

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Hi. It's so good to see you. You must be here because I forced you to click on the link by pinning a photo of the cover on Pinterest, or I emailed you to do so. It's either that, or you'd genuinely like to read a short story version of An Imperial Affliction. No matter what brought you here, you are here, and I am so happy to have your attention for the next couple of minutes.

Creating a 5,000 word interpretation of a novel created within a novel by none other than John Green is a daunting task by default. What could I write, I asked myself, that would be worthy of being something John would've mused together to help in writing The Fault in Our Stars? I was sure to keep it as accurate as possible regarding quotes, characters, setting, and plot line we were introduced to, yet added my own sort of flare as I saw fitting.

Things directly from John Green's TFiOS or AIA include: "Some infinities are bigger than other infinities," "Pain demands to be felt," the Dutch Tulip Man, Sisyphus, the dialogue between Anna and the Dutchman, Anna's family's poverty, the sad swing set reference.

Everything else is my own words, and are protected under a Creative Commons License.

I hope you like it. I've been wanting to show you some of my writing for just about forever now. Please, please comment when you have finished. There's nothing I value more than your opinion on the things I create.

P.S: I met John Green a couple weeks ago, and he wishes me the best with writing. That is amazing.

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