Friendship (Chapter: 2)

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Lydia's POV:

"Who's Percy?" I asked.

"A friend of mine." Mitch said.

"Nice I guess" I said thinking about Niall. I missed him so much but he broke my heart so fuck him!

*15 min. later*

We met up with Percy and he is hot. Not as hot as bitch but holy shit. I really like him but I don't think I'm ready to start a new relationship. Mitch and Tay were holding hands while walking in front of me and percy. We talked for a while.

" u have a gf!?" I said.

"Nope" percy said.

"Nice" I said begging that he wasn't gay.

"I just got out of a relationship " Percy said.

"Same" I say feeling shity about talking about it.

"What happened with you!?" Percy said.

"I dated this guy for a year and then out of know where he dumped me." I said.

"Well that is fucked up." Percy said. I thought he felt bad for me when he said that.

Mitchs POV:

So out 3 year anniversary is coming up!" I said to tay.

"Yah ik I'm so excited! !" She said smiling at me.

"Luv yah" I said staring into her gorgeous eyes.

"So guys what do u want to do!?" Percy asked.

"Ummmm... how about something to eat" I asked everyone.

Food!? and in FOOD??" Lyd says.

"No we eat bricks," I say.

"Then I will be shittin' bricks for a while cut I hungry! " She laughs.

"Your not using my toilet" Tay says.

"I don't wanna use anything yo' BUBBLES been on" Lyd says.

"It's not my fault!!" Tay says.

I just laughed the hole time; it was hilarious.

"So love what do u want to do for our anniversary?! I asked Tay.

"Idk babe it's up to u" Tay said.

The love story (cheesy alert)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora