With One Intention

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"Fuck." I murmured under my breath.

I look up into the dark room and stare across at the blank wall. I feel the sharp edge of the razor in my hand. This is it I think to myself. I pull back my sleeve and slice into my already scarred skin. I slice deeper and deeper. The chorus to Carolyn by Black Veil Brides pulls me back to reality.

"Fuck,fuck,fuck!" I scream as i throw the razor across the room and tears start to roll down my face. The door opens and my heart stops.

"Lyric? What are you doing?" My mom says as she walks into my room. I quickly hide my arm and wipe my face.

"Nothing go away." I say coldly. My mom gives me a look of concern but doesn't budge.

"I said go away!" I scream and grab a pillow and throw it at my mom. She leaves and i get up and slam the door causing my cut to open more. I never liked my mom. She's too protective. She doesn't let me do anything or go anywhere. I can't get out of the house because I dropped out of school. I don't have a job so I can't move.My dad left when I was 3 so I'm just stuck with her, I need to leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2012 ⏰

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