l i f e - 2

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NOTE: The first part is mostly about the reader and her self-harm; it'd be useful if you read it but it's pretty long so if you don't want to read the whole thing if you are uncomfy skip to where you see this : *---* ; it will give you some information on what the reader is doing too.

Italic Text = thoughts

Amami x Suicidal!Reader


YS= Your Surname

YN= Your Name/nickname


Ring around the knife. [PART 2]



You sat on the bed; sleeves up, knife held on right hand, your left wrist resting underneath it. Nothing out of the ordinary for you except, you weren't ready.

You were unexpectedly hesitant so do it, to slice your will to live, line by line. The blood dripping out of the wounds never satisfied you more, but how comes that only now you've realized how much pain you've put yourself into? It never occured to you before.

You slowly arched your head back until you could feel the the wall, and rested your head there. You stared at the white ceiling; thinking of everything up until now, everything you've said, every single expression he has made towards you. That single, simple and sharp grip of his made you into a mess, was that even possible? You relaxed yourself, closed your eyes and didn't notice your grasp on the knife was steadily decreasing until it fell on the floor, its noise knocking you back into reality.

You swiftly started to move to pick it up but, it didn't feel right. A mountain of questions hit you like a bullet; "Should i die now? Should i wait for someone to kill me? What if someone stops me? What if they think I'm going to murder someone because of the knife? What should my alibi be? What...am I doing..?"

Narrowing your eyes; you clenched onto the knife like never before. Shutted your eyes as hard as possible.Took a quick deep breath. And, the incision was made. You wouldn't go back. Not now anyway.

All the energy you've mustered were gone.

"All... for nothing?".


You shook your head and tried looking for some bandages but the pain struck back like an electric shock . For all these years, you've never felt the agony of your scars, this was a first and you wouldn't help but yelp a little too loud.

"Great; now my blood's everywhere, what should i do now for real?! ...Goddamn this is gross..".

Even though cutting yourself was child's play for you, you have never gotten used to the sight of blood.


*Knock Knock*

"-?!" You gasped quietly in shock,"Whoever this is, they have the the worst timing ever!".

"YS-Sa-" the person started to speak but soon after they coughed they 'corrected' themselves; "YN-Chan? You there? It's me, Rantaro. It's lunch time and Kirumi is preparing some food for all of us."

You stayed silent for a few seconds.

"...YN-Chan?" he said in a more serious voice.

Panicking, you thought that if you didn't make any noise he would go away; but that didn't work out well as you dropped your knife once again and it sure made some 'cling' when hitting the floor.

ring around the knife - Amami x Suicidal!ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu