Chapter 2

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"Welcome home, Alice-sama. How's the big meeting? Did stupid Gazelle and idiot Burn gave you a hard time?" A waist-length black haired girl and hazel eyes approached the captain, holding out a towel towards the said girl. She wore a short revealing pink top that showed a big amount of her cleavage, paired with a black shorts held up by a black belt hang loosely around her hips. Over all, she's one attractive lass. Everyone's jaws would hit the ground upon seeing her.

Alice accepted the kind gesture, and wrapped the item around her neck. She didn't realized she had been sweating like crazy until now. "Nothing special really, Rin. Those two fought and I stopped them before things turned into a hand-to-hand combat plus lots of swearing. I can't really handle them so, I left them with Gran. And oh yeah, Gazelle is going to challenge Raimon this time." Alice stated, taking off her shoes before placing them on the neatly arranged shoes rack.

"I see. It's not our turn yet to face Raimon. Alice-sama, lighten up. Let's go to the common room. Everybody was there. I'm sure you're going to be suprised." Rin said, giggling, and pulling Alice's hand or more like dragging her to the door which leads to the common room.

Alice sighed, feeling a headache rushing into her brain, knowing very well something bad was going to happen. Or was happening at the moment. She's got a really bad feeling about it.

Rin opened the door for Alice, insisting for her to stepped in first. The white haired girl thanked the other girl, and took a deep breath before entering the room. Alice was horrified at what she saw, even though she kind of expected it, assuming it's her team. Riko - younger sister of Rin - was running around the room like a headless chicken, more like trying to escape from Kaoru who's trying to gave her flowers with a mischievous smirk plastered on his face as he chased the younger girl, despite her being absolutely clear that she's allergic to them. Chika, who had nothing better to do was jumping up and down like she was high on drugs, cheering like a cheerleader in her sexy bunny outfit about herself being the best in the team. The demonic good-looking twins, Kei and Ryuu, were conquering the video games as they were engaged in a tight battle of Mario Kart, their fingers punching the controllers really hard and the devices cracking could be heard. They were being VERY loud, screaming on each other's throats - even louder than Riko's screams for help, and Satsuki's constant whining for not having the access to WIFI to watch his secret stash of everyone's embarrasing pictures and videos. Akira who's calmly watching everyone from the kitchen (probably baking something in the oven) humming happily, not having anyone to disturb her peaceful moment. Yuri, a timid, silent girl was sitting on the floor next to the window barefoot, reading books in different foreign languages with scissors in her hand, ready to cut out the articles that seem catchy to her. Taiyou was sleeping soundly with his hands behind his head next to Yuri, enjoying the silence the girl provides, unlike the rest of the team. And to top it all, the entire room looked like it had just been struck by a turbulent tornado. Chairs were laying everywhere and some had lose their legs. The wooden floor have holes everywhere - suspiciously caused by the twins and Kaoru.

Feeling drastic emotion of anger and frustration overflowing inside her, Alice finally snapped. "WHAT ON FUCKING EARTH HAPPENED IN HERE?!" She screamed on the top of her lungs.

Everyone immediately stopped their activities. Kaoru even stopped trying to 'kill' Riko with flowers, and she took that opportunity to hide behind Rin, who glared daggers towards the light brown haired boy as he slowly cowered. Similar to Alice, Rin was the same scary as shit person when it was about her sister. All of them looked at their captain who's giving strong as fuck terrifying aura, then looked at each other, their eyes sending across silent message among themselves, not wanting to be the one to tell her what happened.

"Wait! It's not what it looks like!" Kaoru exclaimed, defending the whole team as they slowly backed away from their captain.

Alice was about to question when the oven exploded, the glass shattering into mini shards. Everyone instantly looked at Akira with wide eyes, silently blaming her, pointing their fingers at the girl with boyish haircut. That was the last straw. Scorching fire surrounded Alice's body as her eyes darkened with a sharper glint of red, she cracked her knuckles, and approached dangerously at her targets. She was going to make a living hell out of them - minus Rin and Riko who had been standing behind their captain.

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