Chapter 3

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Nightmare's POV

When I reached Ink she was unconscious so I prodded her side with my paw and I look at the deep wounds that I accidentally touched 'oops' I looked and Ink had a chunk missing out of her ear I got mad and Ink woke up and by the looks of it she was in severe pain so I called Dream over and for some reason she left with Blueberry leaving me and Ink alone I closed my eyes and kissed Ink's cheek and we both blushed I layed down beside her unknowingly I wrapped my tail around her tail

Dream's POV

I was spying on Nightmare and Ink I tried not to fangirl when Nightmare kissed Ink on the cheek and I saw as Nightmare layed his head on Ink's back and Ink moved closer to Nightmare again I tried not to fangirl over this

Nightmare sans x Ink sansWhere stories live. Discover now