First Sortie and 6th Division Destroyer

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"Then... What will we do next?"

"I-if i not wrong, it must have a tutorial, but where is 'she'?" Inazuma said

"hmm... 'she'? do you mean...." 

suddenly a fairy appear with her cat.

I guess she is a guide for the tutorial... Before that i was thinking, the 'she' just Inazuma said is Ooyodo

"I will help you for learning the basic. Okay then... First is this one" fairy said while show her cat to us

"Construct a Ship"

So we walk to the factory to build a other ship girl....

"Because you're have only a few resources, you should try this one with only..."

30 Fuel , 30 Ammo , 30 Steel , 30 Bauxite

"Okay then..." I pressed the button and some fairy come out and start to build a ship girl

the upper side of the construction, said the time that the construction will be complete

the upper side of the construction, said the time that the construction will be complete

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Time left : 00:19:46

"There is still have a time to completion..." Inazuma said

I looked at the thing like fire extinguisher with a word...

"Quick Construction Solution"

"What is that?" while i pointed to the fire extinguisher

"Ohw... that is an item for instantly complete a construction" Inazuma explain

"Can i use that?"

"Sure... Factory Crew!" Inazuma nod then calling a Construction Fairy

the fairy pick the fire extinguisher then aiming into construction piece


the flame has fired into the construction piece and the ship girl come out from that. She is almost same as Inazuma but she's more energized.

 She is almost same as Inazuma but she's more energized

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