"So you are in love?", he asked.

Alec blushed but Magnus just nodded.

Max shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay.", he mentioned, turned around and vanished into the kitchen.

Alec sighed and got back up on his feet.

"Thank you.", he whispered in Magnus' ear and kissed his cheek lightly.

Magnus smiled.

"There is nothing you should thank me for.", he answered.

Alec just cupped his face with his hands and pressed a short kiss on his lips.

"Thank you for being here with me.", he grinned again and kissed him again.

"Get a room you two.", Jace's head had appeared in the doorframe that was leading to the kitchen.

Alec rolled his eyes and turned around to his brother.

"Shut the fuck up, Jace.", he muttered and grabbed Magnus' hand to enter the kitchen.

"Alexander Gideon Lightwood, no swearing in my house.", his mother censured him as soon as they entered the room.

Alec shot her an apologizing look.

"Sorry, Mom.", he grinned innocently and offered Magnus a seat.

They sat down and started eating. At first it was a bit awkward but it got better very quickly.

They talked about college, school, California and New York, they compared a lot. Past stories were told, many thing that embarrassed Alec and made him blush. Days and trips were planned, to show Magnus around the city and Alec realized, that they wouldn't be able to get some togetherness the whole week.

Tomorrow they wanted to go an see the statue of liberty and in the evening there was this insider-thing with Clary and Simon. The days after they wanted to visit the central park and the Empire State Building, time square, Brooklyn bridge, the One World Trade center, Chinatown and much more. They wanted to got to the Central Park Zoo and Broadway and everything.

Alec had seen most of it and was not really looking forward to it, because hated city tours with his family. But maybe it would be great because Magnus was with him.

After they finished dinner and talked for more that three hours his siblings decided to go to bed.

Magnus watched Alec questioning but Alec shook his head lightly. He pulled Magnus close and kissed his cheek lightly.

"I want to talk to my mom for a short time. But you can go. I'll come after you.", he whispered.

Magnus nodded.

"Good night.", he took leave an kissed Alec's cheek lightly before he vanished.

Alec and his mom remained.

Alec angled with his fork in one of the pots and snacked the piece of vegetable he found.

His mom watched him in amusement.

"You two are very cute together.", she began to speak.

Alec had to grin and stared in the pot to find some more food to snack.

"You really love him, don't you.", she asked.

Alec nodded.

"Yes, I do.", he admitted and blushed lightly.

His mother sighed in relieve.

"He does too. I can see it in his eyes.", she let him know.

Alec smiled. He was happy that everyone saw it, because that meant that Magnus was truly honest with him.

"Don't let him go. He is good for you.", his mother let him know.

Alec nodded.

"I did not plan to let him go.", he grinned.

His mother nodded but her smile had turned into a sad one.

Alec took a deep breath before he asked her what had bothered him the whole evening.

"Mom, where is dad?"

His mother shot him an shocked look and Alec knew something was wrong. His dad was often off to work but never this long. Something must have happened.

He lay his fork down on his plate and moved over to his mom.

"What happened, please tell me.", he pleaded in a caring voice.

His mother took a deep breath in which she trembled.

"I kicked him out.", she let Alec know and smiled lightly.

Alec narrowed his eyes.

"Why?", he asked softly.

His mother looked at him and a tear left her eye. She tried to say something but she just gulped and wiped away the tear.

"Mom, please, tell me.", Alec whispered and took her hand softly.

"He cheated on me.", his mother breathed.

Alec stared at her in shock. His parents always seemed to be so in love. Alec could not believe his dad would cheat on his mom. But his mom seemed to be totally honest.

"Bastard.", he mumbled.

His mother laughed a little.

"That's what Jace said.", he let him know with a little smile.

Alec tried to cheer her up by smiling encouraging.

His mom took a deep breath.

"I'm going to file for divorce.", she announced.

Alec nodded.

"Do what's right for you. Whatever it is, I'll stand by you.", he let her know and squeezed her hand softly.

His mom shed another tear.

"God, Alec, I'm so sorry for what I said. It was just all to much at that time, with your father and you were away, and everything started falling apart and I ... I don't know how to ever make that up again.", she whispered desperately.

Alec sighed.

"It is ok, mom. It really is.", he let her know and hugged her tightly.

His mom pulled him close and buried her face in his shoulder.

"I am so proud of you, Alec.", she sobbed.

Alec patted her back caringly.

"Everything is ok, mom.", he whispered softly.

He did not really know what to do. He'd never seen his mother like that. She had always been the strong and independent woman but now she was not. She was so sad and fragile, he did not know how to handle that.

So he just hold her and brushed over her back continuingly.

After a while his mother moved and ended the hug. She wiped away her tears and smiled at him lightly.

"You should go to bed. Magnus is waiting for you.", she mentioned.

Alec sighed.

"Are you ok?", he asked worried.

His mother nodded.

"Don't worry. I'm much better since you're back home.", she let him know.

Alec smiled softly.

"I love you, mom.", he let her know.

Maryse smiled at him.

"I love you too.", she answered.

Alec grinned and left the kitchen still struggling if he should really leave her alone.

Roommates - A Malec StoryWhere stories live. Discover now