Kylee's POV

I didn't know who I bumped in to, but when I looked up, I wish I hadn't. Jessica was standing in the door way with an awful sneer in her face. Which I have to say, makes her look worse then she did before. "Well if it isn't little miss. I want attention?" Jessica glared. Is it bad when all you think about is rearranging some one elses face several times, but in different ways? "Actually, miss. Fake-blond-and-boob-b***h, I was going for the ball, like Kendra and I had planned. So back off!" Oh my god. if I wasn't myself, I would have been so scared. I didn't even know someone could use so much venom and hatred in a voice. Jessica stepped back with a scared look on her face. She quickly hid it with a smirk, "Every thing you see her is real princess, and that's why I have already lost my virginity." Now I was just getting mad. "How do you know that? Oh wait, I bet girls *cough, sluts* like you get around, don't they? So get your STD face out of mine before things get ugly" I cheered for myself in my head. I'm not usually this mean, but today has been a long, eventful day. She shoved me back, "Take that back you wanna be b***h!" oh no she didnt //A.N i dont talk like that btw.. Lol\\ I stepped forward, swung my arm back and punched her, straight in the nose. It started to bleed and out of no where, Brian and Sarah were by my side, dragging me into the building, shutting the door behind them. "What were you thinking?" Brian paced in front of me. "I- wait why are you in the girls change rooms?" His face turned a little red. "I uh, well I thought this was a uhm, emergency?" He stopped pacing and sat down on a bench, looking down. I laughed and Sarah snuck in a quick high five. I attempted to get out of the dangers of this subject. "Well i have to go, it was nice talking to ya!" In a matter if seconds, I had my bag over my shoulder and I had made it across the room. "See ya later Brian" I added more quietly and left.

Brians POV

I watched as she turned to leave and continued sitting on the bench, getting lost in my thought. "Why did you just let her leave?" I looked up to see Sarah looking aggravated. "She's not my girl friend, I don't own her." I felt sad saying that. I want her to be my girl friend, but I don't want to take things too fast. I had already risked that by just grabbing her hand or hugging her. "Are you kidding me? I have seen the way you both look at each other, even if you guys don't. And even after only meeting a couple hours ago, you two are so comfortable with each other! It's like you were made for each other but for some stupid reason, you both seem to not notice it!" She through her hands up and turned to grab her bag. "Hey Sarah?" "Mhmm?" She turned around with her bag on her shoulder, " You don't happen to have Kylee's number on you do you?" Sarah smiled and reached into her bag.

Kylee's POV

I was taking the long way to walk home. It would give me time to think. The first thing that popped in my head was Brian. I really want to figure out what he is. That thing he did in the hospital, I didn't even understand it but it made Jack better, so it must be good, right? And those tingles? I have never ever even heard of some thing that felt so weird but at the same time, it feels addicting and good. I looked around to see where I am and checked the time on my phone. It was 7:15. Wow I have been walking for almost 3 hours. No wonder I have no idea where I am. Its getting dark, and i looked around but no one is on the streets. I pulled my cell phone out if my pocket and dropped my bag. I searched through my contacts for my brothers number. I hit the green button. "Kylee right?" I jumped at the sudden voice and looked up. In front of me stood the most prettiest girl I have ever seen smiling at me. I didnt recognize her. She had dark brown hair that was styled in big loose curls flowing down to her middle back. Her skin was ghosltly pale but maybe its just the light. She had perfect features but one thing i noticed almost right away, were that her eyes were a shade of purple. Shes even prettier then models. I looked beside her and was instantly scared, noticing the two massive, muscular guys behind her. "W-what do you want?" she smiled and only dark things shone from her eyes. I backed up, only to run into a wall. Wait, walls don't have legs. I slowly turned and was met by yet another massive man smirking behind me. I didn't notice I still had my phone in my hand. I could faintly hear Chris calling out. I turned back with hopefully a pleading look on my face. The pretty girl lost her smile in a flash, "Grab her" Before I could do anything, I was grabbed from behind by two very strong arms. I tried yelling into my phone "Chris help!! There's at least three massive guys and-" my phone was snatched with such speed, I didnt even see a blur. I looked up at the girl with probably the most confused look ever in history. "hello? Who is this?" the girl asked into my phone. I almost gagged at the sickly sweet voice she used. There was some yelling on the other end and she laughed "Yeah ok. Tell you what. You call up Brian and tell him I called. If I don't see him tonight after 10, you won't see Kylee here. Ever again!" She said my name in disgust but instead of just giving my phone back like a sane person, she threw it at a wall close by. My jaw dropped open when it broke into hundreds of pieces and fell to the ground. No one I know can throw that hard. The she turned to me and looked like she almost forgot I was there still. Her eyes turned black and before I could blink, she was in front of me holding me by the neck. "What business do you have with Brian?" Images of Brian started to flash through my mind of him and the way he talks, looks, even smells.. The girl pulled her mouth into a smile and if I was one if those people that faint all the time, I would of. This girl had canine teeth as long as- I shook the idea if count Dracula out of my head. That's impossible. Right? But after seeing Brian in the hospital, I don't know what to believe anymore. Maybe this is just some sick joke. "So your in love with Brian?" The girls smile grew wider. I shook my head madly. Well as fast as I could with her hand around my neck, "I didn't say that" My voice cracked and she tightened her grip. I felt my feet dangling in the air now. She lost her smile and spoke through clenched teeth. "Don't lie to me. I can read your mind. I see the way you think if him. You are in love with him" She emphasized the 'are'. Then her words sunk in. I immediately thought of Edward Cullen from Twilight. She nodded, "Your getting warmer" The evil smile came back. With my air supply being cut off, I began to go light headed but I managed a few words, "What are you?" It was the same question I asked Brian and her answer was similar to his because she didn't really give me the answer I wanted. "I'm your worse night mare." Black slowly engulfed me and i passed out.

There's something strange about the new guyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें